(Boat-topped barge in Elliott Bay on Saturday – photo by Tom Marx)
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:
TASTE OF WEST SEATTLE: Bigger than ever, with dozens of local food/beverage enterprises participating, tonight is the Taste of West Seattle, fundraiser for the West Seattle Helpline, at The Hall at Fauntleroy, 6-9 pm. Online ticket sales are closed but Helpline says a few tickets will be available at the door – go early if you want to try for those.
ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Sunday’s Summer Streets party plans (remember – different closures this year) and Seal Sitters are part of tonight’s Alki Community Council meeting agenda, 7 pm, Alki UCC (6112 SW Hinds).
SEAVIEW SPEED BUMPS?: Tonight is SDOT‘s community meeting to discuss four potential sets of speed bumps on 48th SW between SW Brandon and SW Graham. 7 pm at Seaview Methodist Church – details here.
WESTBOUND SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT CLOSURE: If you’ll be driving back toward West Seattle overnight, take note of this closure (and a couple upcoming) – details here.
STAIRCASE WORK UNDER WAY: The SW Spokane stairway over Beach Drive is being rehabbed and prep work is under way now, according to this advisory just published by SDOT.
LOW-LOW TIDE: Low tides (vicinity of minus three feet) again today in the noon hour (here’s the chart).
SOUTH SEATTLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE GARDEN CENTER: SSCC Garden Center on Puget Ridge open again today; details here.
‘OKLAHOMA!’ BENEFIT: Tonight’s West Seattle High School performance of “Oklahoma!” at the WSHS Theater is a special benefit, with the musical at 8 pm. More info at westsidedrama.com.
LIVE MUSIC: Singer-songwriter Jim Page plays at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California Avenue SW), 6 – 8 pm.
‘GREAT WATERFRONT’: Not in West Seattle, but potentially of interest, is tonight’s “Toward a Great Waterfront” public event, initial design directions for the downtown waterfront, Pier 66, 5 pm-8:30 pm (starts with food and music on the pier, presentation at 6:30 pm). If you plan to attend, please e-mail rsvp@waterfrontseattle.org.