West Seattle Crime Watch: Traffic-circle tree taken out

The lushly landscaped traffic circle at 39th/Lander (map/Google Street View) lost its young tree to a hit-run driver overnight, according to a note we received from CD (who also provided the photo – thank you!). The tree was a 10-foot-tall coral-bark maple, CD explains, adding, “The vehicle must have been some sort of large truck/pick up truck as the traffic circle is fairly high.” The incident has been reported to police.

9 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Traffic-circle tree taken out"

  • treeluv May 15, 2011 (2:00 pm)

    so sorry that is very sad and wrong!!!!! Poor tree.

  • cj May 15, 2011 (3:20 pm)

    A lot of people don’t seem to know how to drive around a traffic circle. My husband and I have almost been hit a number of times cause people act like they don’t need to slow down or stop.

  • Christie May 15, 2011 (10:53 pm)

    on our street we get the people trying to go the wrong way around the traffic circle – i think people need to be refreshed on the traffic rules – poor tree – hopefully another one can be planted in its place

  • Silly Goose May 16, 2011 (9:20 am)

    So sorry, but the great news is that these coral bark maples are very hardy and if you replant it and fertilize it lightly to bring it out of shock it will survive!! Put some large boulders around the perimeter of the circle!!

  • dawsonct May 16, 2011 (9:39 am)

    I think they have to be low enough for fire trucks to clear, goose, but I was thinking along the same lines.
    BTW, if traffic and sight-lines allow, it IS legal to take a left turn without driving completely around this type of traffic circle.

  • MAS May 16, 2011 (11:50 am)

    Dawsonct –

    You’ll need to get the SDOT to correct their FAQ page on the subject then WRT turning left:


    They only make the exception for when it’s impossible to proceed around the circle.

  • CD May 16, 2011 (12:36 pm)

    Silly Goose, thanks for the encouragement, but the maple is snapped in 2 pieces ;-(
    and the fog light of the car who hit the tree came off in the process….

  • Joshua May 24, 2011 (9:53 am)

    Send me an email at seattle.trees@seattle.gov if you volunteer in this traffic circle and are interested in a replacement tree. We (SDOT Urban Forestry) currently have trees in our nursery that we would deliver if there were volunteers willing to plant it!

    Thanks @dawsonct – Boulders sound great, but are not a good idea…


  • Joshua May 24, 2011 (9:59 am)

    I also wanted to add, I know it isn’t always possible; but if you can get a license plate from a vehicle that takes out a traffic circle tree and fill out a police report, we can bill the owner’s insurance for damages!

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