West Seattle, Washington
16 Sunday
A medical-marijuana dispensary is reported to be back on the table for moving into 5214 Delridge Way (map), less than two months after a fleetingly-reported possibility led to an intense neighborhood discussion, including a briefing before the Delridge District Council. That possibility seemed to fade, as reported here back in mid-March, when police said they had received word that the property owner was “leaning away” from renting to a medical-marijuana operation. Now, according to a report that North Delridge Neighborhood Council chair Karrie Kohlhaas has shared with the group’s mailing list, the plan is back. Kohlhaas writes that the co-owners of Washington Alternative Medicine requested a meeting with their group’s board last Friday to inform NDNC they’re negotiating to lease 5214 Delridge Way, which prior to a recent round of renovations had a troubled history, as home to Delridge Vacuum and TV, whose license was revoked by the city two years ago.
Prior to Kohlhaas’s report, we had already heard the new Delridge-dispensary report from a source who asked not to be identified, so we had been trying to reach WAM ownership to find out more. An associate of the owners eventually called our reporter back to ask that questions be e-mailed, and we are still awaiting a reply. If a facility does open at this site on Delridge, it would be the fourth known current/upcoming medical-marijuana enterprise in West Seattle (after GAME Collective on California SW midway between Alaska and Morgan Junctions, and Pharmaseed on Alki, now in operation, with Northwest Patient Resource Center coming to 35th/Roxbury), in addition to two new ones in the heart of the White Center business district just south of West Seattle, the GAME Collective “lounge” and Herban Legends.
This all comes as the status of the burgeoning medical-marijuana industry remains somewhat clouded, since Governor Gregoire vetoed much of a bill that both houses of the State Legislature passed in hopes of regulating it. There’s talk now of an alternate bill before the Legislature’s current special session ends; in the meantime, dispensaries remain illegal under state law (as reiterated on this state website), even though medical marijuana itself was legalized by voter initiative in 1997, but local authorities have not yet indicated how they’ll be handled if no state regulation is forthcoming.
Dianne Thorniley wanted to share this tonight:
Laurie E. Paton Williams died peacefully on April 30, 2011. Laurie is survived by her children Stephen Abegglen, Angela Mazloomi, and Mark Abegglen and her four grandchildren. She is also survived by her sisters, Sue Lesmeister, Sally Parsons, and Diane Peel. Laurie graduated from West Seattle High School, class of 1958. Her memorial will be May 9, 2011 (Monday) at 2:00 at Forest Lawn Funeral Home in West Seattle. In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Stehekin Heritage Fund.
(WSB publishes obituaries by request, free of charge. E-mail the text, and a photo if available/desired, to editor@westseattleblog.com)
(Photos by Katie Meyer for WSB)
Just a few days ago, we checked in with Drea, owner of The Sneakery, to ask about progress toward opening their new store in The Junction (former Liberty Bell Printing storefront at 4736 California). She thought it might be a week or two. Then suddenly, Desiree sent word late today that The Sneakery had decided to go ahead and open (she also sent the tip in February that they were on the way). WSB contributor Katie Meyer went over for a few photos. Above, that’s Drea (right) and Jess; next two shots, some of the merchandise:
‘Drea says they were testing the cash-register software and receipt printer anyway, and feeling the need for some sunlight in the west-facing shop, so they opened the doors. The inventory will continue to grow in the days/weeks ahead. Here’s the hours they have posted for now:
A brand-new, yet old-fashioned tradition sprouted at Village Green Perennial Nursery today – proprietor Vera Johnson (left) co-hosted the first-ever Mother’s Day Pie Social with pie goddess Kate McDermott. Everyone was supposed to bring a freshly homemade pie – and the resulting bounty (both savory and sweet) even had a guard:
(Yes, that’s the symbol “pi” after “I (Heart)” around the neck of “the guard.”) And apropos to the occasion, Vera got to beam with motherly pride as daughter Johanna serenaded guests with harp music:
Besides being a unique way to celebrate Mother’s Day – and homemade treats – the occasion was also a benefit for the White Center Food Bank, whose executive director Rick Jump was on hand when we stopped by in the early going.
(Photo courtesy Seattle Chinese Garden)
Been to the Seattle Chinese Garden yet? It’s on West Seattle’s Puget Ridge and ready to greet you at an open-house celebration one week from today. From the official announcement:
The Seattle Chinese Garden will host a free public open house to celebrate the completion of the garden’s first courtyard, named Knowing the Spring. Yueming Ling, vice mayor of Seattle’s sister city Chongqing , along with Seattle city officials, will attend the May 15 festivities. A lion dance will open the celebration, which includes martial arts and traditional Chinese dance performances, painting and calligraphy demonstrations. …
Knowing the Spring Courtyard was designed by architects in Chongqing, located in southwest China, and built in collaboration with Chinese artisans, local architects and contractors. The Seattle Chinese Garden, when complete, will be one of the largest Chinese gardens outside China, and the first in the United States to be designed in authentic Sichuan style. …
The Seattle Chinese Garden is located at the north end of the South Seattle Community College campus at 6000 16th Avenue SW, in West Seattle. The Open House is May 15, 2011, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Admission is free, but donations are greatly appreciated.
Big news from longtime WSB sponsor M3 Bodyworks – another major insurance plan is now accepted at their massage clinic. From M3’s Michael Mandell:
M3 Bodyworks Massage Clinic is pleased to announce:
We are now accepting Regence Blue Shield Insurance!Regence is a major insurance plan in Washington, and we are very excited about this news. If Regence is your insurance plan, we look forward to the opportunity to serve you after many years of waiting to join the network. Being on this network will also allow us to bill your insurance if you are on Uniform Medical Plan, which switched to Regence at the beginning of this year.
If you are wondering if your insurance plan covers massage, check with your carrier.
M3 Bodyworks currently accepts the following insurance:
Premera Blue Cross
Lifewise Health Plan
Regence Blue ShieldSo, welcome Regence customers! You can still book your appointments online at M3bodyworks.com.*
M3 Bodyworks Massage Clinic
5236 California Ave SW, Suite D
Seattle, WA 98136
206.331.3999 – Phone
206-388-3226 – FaxHours: 10 am-10 pm, 7 days a week
*Please note that only a few practitioners are accepting Regence at this time. Please pick “Regence” as your insurance type, and you will be assigned to a contracted provider. We expect all practitioners to be credentialed in the near future.
*Not all insurance plans cover massage therapy. Many require a doctor’s prescription. Please check with your carrier to see if you are covered for massage therapy.
Got late word from Puget Sound Blood Center that their Bloodmobile is in The Junction right now – till 3 pm. 42nd/Alaska, if you are able to stop by and give.
Today we’re sharing a reminder from the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition about an important chance for you to have a voice in a big piece of the Duwamish cleanup plan. The plant shown in the September 1940 Boeing photo above made a lot of history, but also a lot of pollution, that’s finally about to be cleaned up. From DRCC:
The Boeing Plant 2 toxic cleanup is in progress!
You may have noticed that some of the old Boeing Plant 2 building along the Duwamish River has already been demolished. This is the first step towards cleanup and restoration of the site. The Boeing Company will pay to remove the contaminated mud from the river and in the upland areas below the old facility. This is currently the river’s most toxic site, and its cleanup will be a huge step forward for the river’s cleanup and restoration progress. Your comments are needed!
DRCC/TAG is reviewing the proposed cleanup plan, and will submit formal comments by the deadline on May 28th.
We want to hear your comments and questions: james@duwamishcleanup.org / 206-954-0218
We will have this information translated into Spanish by next week and work with local bilingual & Latino community organizations to educate the community about the cleanup plan, and receive comments from Spanish-speakers, and other language groups. Please help us spread the word!
EPA will accept written comments from the public on their cleanup plans for Boeing plant 2 until May 28, 2011. This is the only opportunity for the public to give opinions on plans for the cleanup at the Boeing Plant 2 site.
* Comments can be sent to EPA via email to: blocker.shawn@epa.gov.
* Please cc: DRCC/TAG on emails at: contact@duwamishcleanup.org
* Standard postal mail comments can be sent to:U.S. EPA, Region 10
ATTN: Shawn Blocker
1200 6th Avenue, Suite 900, AWT-121
Seattle WA, 98101
Click ahead to read what DRCC has recommended and is commenting:Read More
Two traffic reminders: As a lead-in to the Alaskan Way Viaduct Lane Squeeze starting May 16th, most of The Viaduct will be closed most of next weekend, starting 11 pm Friday – full details here. And before that, there’s a five-day round-the-clock squeeze on 1st Avenue South from King to Royal Brougham, 6 am Monday morning through 3 pm Friday – one lane each way, around the clock, explained here.
(Photo shared by Lisa Stencel)
Not too much on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar today, since it’s a time for so many families to just be together. A few highlights if you’re looking for something to do:
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Need last-minute flowers for Mom (or someone else)? You’ll find them at the market in abundance. Plus live music with the Sammy Sandy Buckner Duo, and a Kids’ Tent activity – picture frames for Mother’s Day. From the growers, market managers note that “Canales is back with tender asparagus!” and “Foraged and Found has weeds for even the most discerning wild woman … Stinging Nettle Pesto, anyone?!” 10 am-2 pm, 44th/Alaska in The Junction. **11:35 am addendum: Thanks to Abanna for e-mailing to say the musician is Sandy Buckner, not Sammy as the market had announced, and that Sandy is “flying solo” in the market gig today – Abanna adds, “Among other claims to fame, Sandy is the music teacher at the Intergenerational Learning Center located at Providence Mount St. Vincent.”**
THE PLAY’S THE THING: Also in The Junction, “Shipwrecked! An Entertainment …” continues at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor), with a 3 pm performance today.
MOTHER’S DAY PIE SOCIAL: RSVP’s were requested by Friday so we’re not sure if there’s still room. But if you can bake a pie by 1 pm you’re probably welcome at the first-ever Mother’s Day Pie Social at Village Green Perennial Nursery (besides the pie, there’s a $5 requested donation for the White Center Food Bank). Find full details here.
NEW MEANING TO THE TERM ‘FROSTED GLASS’: Watching glass-blowing at Avalon Glassworks is a Mother’s Day tradition, and today they’re making glass cupcakes to benefit WestSide Baby. (Here’s a photo on the WS Baby FB page.) The studio is on Avalon Way just south of the West Seattle Bridge, and open 10 am-5 pm today.
SURPRISE MOM WITH A HOME-IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: If you need tools to make it happen, the West Seattle Tool Library is open today in its new Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space (east side of main building at 4408 Delridge Way), 1-5 pm.
SECOND ANNUAL ‘MY MOM STILL ROCKS’ TRIBUTE: At Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), starting at 6 pm. P.S. The promotional graphics made by The Feedback’s Jeff Gilbert are featured right now on the Facebook page and website for KISS – here’s the latter: