Delridge shop owner a no-show at appeal hearing downtown

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As reported here last week, Stoyan Tanev, the owner of Delridge Vacuum and TV, was challenging the city’s revocation of his license, and an appeal hearing was scheduled for this morning before the Hearing Examiner downtown. We got to the Municipal Tower a few minutes late and discovered the hearing room empty, except for the examiner’s paralegal, who told us that Tanev did not show up, so the examiner will issue a “notice of default.” That means, according to the department’s published rules, the appeal is dismissed, as is allowed in cases where “without good cause, the appellant fails to appear or is unprepared to proceed at a scheduled and properly noticed hearing.” Last spring, he faced trial on charges of “receiving stolen property” but the case was dismissed because of an agreement in another case, reported here on April 21 after assistant city attorney Beth Gappert briefed the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council. That case involved charges of not having the proper license and not retaining used goods for the required 30 days before selling them. The shop was expected to close this summer; we have messages out to Gappert to check the current status of the situation.

13 Replies to "Delridge shop owner a no-show at appeal hearing downtown"

  • CA August 11, 2009 (10:29 am)

    What a dirt ball, he sits out there EVERY DAY. What an eye sore of people’s stolen property, stacked high. Can’t the police do something about this trashy “yard sale” he has 7 days a week!?

  • WSB August 11, 2009 (10:32 am)

    There was a sign out there last Saturday (in a contributor photo I’m having trouble downloading – unstable connection downtown – will be switching locations shortly) saying “Going Out of Business Forever.” So in the short run, as the cliche’ goes, time will tell (and we’ll add whatever we find out from the assistant city attorney) – TR

  • Anna August 11, 2009 (11:26 am)

    I can not wait for this creep to be gone. A few years ago a friend of the family found his stollen tools at his shop and the police couldn’t do anything because there was no serial information connecting him to his tools. His place is a serious eye sore and attracts low-lifes.

  • KBear August 11, 2009 (11:54 am)

    At least everyone in West Seattle knows where to look for their missing property. Where will we go after the store closes?

  • Val Vashon August 11, 2009 (12:36 pm)

    If anybody goes there to check out their “sale” let me know if you see a Fuji A330 camera that went ‘missing’ at SeaTac last year. I’m trying to get up the nerve to go, but that place creeps me out a bit.

  • The Dude August 11, 2009 (1:33 pm)

    -Rumor on the street has it that proprietor/tenant Stoyan Tanev has been prowling around White Center for a new location to set up operations. Note to landlords and people in WC, do not rent to this guy unless you enjoy a life of problems.

    -Once again, calling on the landlord/owner of the Delridge Way property, the Megale family, to do the right thing and get Tanev and all his crap out of your building, now. The 60 day Termination Of Lease with Tanev has now passed, and your allowing him to stay beyond it is ruining your window of opportunity of demonstrating good will towards the Delridge neighborhood and West Seattle at large. Step up to the plate Megale’s, otherwise you might as well be on the same team of losers as Tanev.

  • 4thGenWestSide August 11, 2009 (3:23 pm)

    Don’t hold your breath on the Delridge landlords doing the “right thing”, Especially if their son is involved. He’s a piece of work, that one.

  • bridge to somewhere August 11, 2009 (6:44 pm)

    that place is so crap-tastic. i’m always stunned and disgusted when i drive by it — junk all over the outside of the building, the building itself practically falling apart, and shady people hanging ’round it. it’s so frustrating given there are people ’round those parts working very hard to clean up delridge . . .

  • Meghan August 12, 2009 (7:54 am)

    This is one of those situations where the accused has too many rights. The (long, cumbersome) process has run its course; he didn’t show up for the appeal. He’s in default. He should be evicted and given 72 hours to remove all his belongings or have them removed by the city and sold off at whatever price they fetch – after people are given a chance to identify their stolen property (with serial #s or photos). That is feasible. And it would discourage other people from doing the same thing.

  • good riddance August 12, 2009 (1:15 pm)

    I got my lawnmower “repaired” there twice; both times it broke down again within a month. Would never go back. The second time I picked it up, a little kid was crying “That’s my bike; it got stolen 2 nights ago from my garage.” The creepy owner asked him for proof of ownership via serial number and receipt. Like a 9 year old would have that…right. I was disgusted, and I have never forgotten that poor kid.

  • Joan August 13, 2009 (9:25 am)

    Things are happening. Monday morning there were hand painted FINAL SALE signs up. Yesterday morning about 7am a huge green dumpster as large as a motor home was planted in the driveway and no visible “goods”. No dumpster this morning but looked like a bit of the usual sorting of “goods” going on.

  • WSB August 13, 2009 (9:28 am)

    Thanks for the update, Joan — TR

  • The Dude August 13, 2009 (10:27 am)

    -Tanev has apparently moved a bunch of his crap onto the property at 5216 Delridge Way, which is just to the south of his now defunct operation. (He has squirmed his way onto the 5216 property before)

    -Fortunately, DPD has has been timely with its response to his effort at trying to get a toehold:,,DELRIDGE,WAY,SW

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