After 7 months without any Southwest Design Review Board meetings – since there weren’t any developments to review – the pace continues to pick up. Just two weeks after the board met to review Harbor Properties‘ new Nova development, it has a meeting set for April 28th to resume review of the proposed 7100 Delridge development. Here’s the official notice. Most recent meeting about this development was back in August. The notice says it’s currently proposed as:
… a 4-story structure containing 58 residential units over 1,344 sq. ft. of retail space. Project includes three, 2-story single family structures and 88,800 cu. yds. of grading in an environmentally critical area. Project also includes pedestrian bridge between structures. Parking for 77 vehicles to be provided in two levels within the structure.
That proposal appears only slightly changed from how it was described during the “early design guidance” phase last August (less retail space this time). The April 28th meeting is at 6:30 pm, Senior Center of West Seattle.
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