West Seattle wildlife: ‘So this coyote walks up to a bar…’

Well, the story could have started that way, though Jesse headed the e-mail sent early today “Crazy late-night wildlife” – read on:

… I’m a bartender at the Bridge at 35th and Avalon, and as I was finishing the close about 20 minutes ago I noticed a pair of eyes shining in the parking lot. Figuring it was a cat or raccoon or something I wasn’t too worried about it. As I walked past the motion sensor security lights out to my car the lights came on revealing that these eyes in fact belonged to one huge, totally unafraid coyote. I saw it clearly, about 20 feet away. I ran to my car and turned the lights on and turned toward it to get another look to be sure and sure enough it was still there, just staring at me. I stepped on the gas and it ran off up the hill just behind the fence in the vacant lot next to the bar. For me, that’s a West Seattle first. Watch out! If those things get too hungry they can cause a lot of havoc. …

We published a sighting at the nearby West Seattle Rotary Viewpoint Park not that long ago, and the golf course and stadium are a stone’s throw away, so this location’s not that surprising. If you don’t know what to do if/when you see a coyote – or how to increase the chances they’ll keep their distance (don’t provide a food supply, etc.) – here’s the state Fish and Wildlife Department’s info on “coexisting with coyotes.”

15 Replies to "West Seattle wildlife: 'So this coyote walks up to a bar...'"

  • John Murphy March 8, 2011 (8:10 am)

    “Watch out”?
    BAH! Coyotes keep other super predators like feral cats and other runaway pets in check. We have a bunch of semi-feral dogs that have been attacking pedestrians over in Highland park that is much more of a need for concern.

    A good coyote population is what West Seattle needs.

    Keep domestics inside where they belong and fence in your chickens and goats!

    Most importantly, Coyotes can potentially inhibit the much more destructive and rampant Raccoon population we have here:

    Interference competition between coyotes and raccoons

    Sit back, watch and enjoy a little natural succession to a more stable urban ecosystem!

  • T-Rex March 8, 2011 (8:11 am)

    Some of these coyotes are huge because they are more than likley pregnant. Spring is in the air!

  • DP March 8, 2011 (8:39 am)

    That coyote is really a crazy clown . . .

  • mitch March 8, 2011 (8:58 am)

    Our home overlooks the Seattle Chinese Garden and the ‘West Duwamish Greenbelt’, a favorite spot for coyotes. Every week or so we hear them ‘vocalizing’, sometimes for hours on end, often only a few dozen feet away. It’s a fascinating mix of back and forth yips and high pitched yowls. My friend tells me it’s mating behavior. It scares our dog barkless, but then she’s terrified by our calls as well. Yippee Yi Coyote.

  • Ronda March 8, 2011 (9:02 am)

    Maybe he was just hoping to raid your compost/trash bins? ^_^

  • As-If March 8, 2011 (9:21 am)

    So…I says’ to the guy…
    This coyote walks into a bar and says to the bartender, “How about a drink?” The bartender says, “Sure, the toilet is right down the hall.”

  • Alki resident March 8, 2011 (10:34 am)

    Thats our own West Seattle mascot .

  • KBear March 8, 2011 (10:41 am)

    They’re just glad it’s not a Cougar bar anymore.

  • Service Dog Academy March 8, 2011 (11:07 am)

    I saw probably the same exact one up on the top of avalon and genesee about 1:30 this morning after coming home from a late night at the dog training studio. That thing was the size of a 5 month old labrador puppy! It was my first coyote sighting and I had no idea they could get that big!

    Happy Tails To You!
    Mary McNeight, BGS, CCS
    Service Dog Academy, Seattle WA
    Owner/Head Trainer

  • Kelly March 8, 2011 (11:36 am)

    “Ba-dum ching!”

  • Manny March 8, 2011 (11:46 am)

    I love this comment it is hilarious

    So…I says’ to the guy…
    This coyote walks into a bar and says to the bartender, “How about a drink?” The bartender says, “Sure, the toilet is right down the hall.”

    Comment by As-If — March 8, 11 9:21 am

  • Harveyroberson March 8, 2011 (12:04 pm)

    Was the coyote ugly ?

  • claw March 8, 2011 (12:43 pm)

    …and the bartender says “why the long face?”

  • Alki resident March 8, 2011 (12:55 pm)


  • Liz Hattemer March 9, 2011 (9:15 am)

    In Chinese mythology, all animals and sometimes plants seek to achieve human form on their way to immortality – the human form is the pinnacle of creation. Of these animals, coyotes and foxes seem to succeed the most. They do this by absorbing the essence of the moon and the sun… http://blog.seattlechinesegarden.org/2010/07/coyotes-on-site-artisans-delayed.html

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