Fauntleroy Community Assoc.: Tuesday event; ‘Whale Trail’ signs

If you live in Fauntleroy, Tuesday’s the big night to support your local neighborhood council, the Fauntleroy Community Association. During the monthly FCA board meeting this past week, final preparations were made for the annual membership meeting/membership drive event coming up at 6 pm Tuesday night at The Hall at Fauntleroy, described by FCA as “… sample food from six local eateries, learn about local issues and programs, chat with neighbors, and pay to start or renew FCA membership. Election of FCA officers and directors will happen toward the end of the evening.”

Also at their meeting, the FCA board also heard a presentation about The Whale Trail:

From left in our photo, that’s FCA president Bruce Butterfield, Evangeline Simmons and Donna Sandstrom from The Whale Trail, and FCA’s Kathleen Dellplain. Donna, who lives in West Seattle, talked about tracing her whale advocacy back 20 years, with one highlight being the drive to save Springer the orphan orca. She brought examples of signs similar to the ones that are going up soon in West Seattle as part of The Whale Trail – thanks to a City of Seattle grant – where you can watch for marine mammals:

The West Seattle signs will be at Alki Bathhouse, Charles Richey Sr. Viewpoint, Me Kwa Mooks, and Point Williams in Lincoln Park (site of Colman Pool). Donna says the signs include bar codes that you can “read” with smartphones, to go directly to The Whale Trail’s website. (The Whale Trail recently sponsored the Duwamish Longhouse presentation about orca research involving special dogs – you can see our coverage here.)

The Fauntleroy Community Association board meets the second Tuesday of each month, 7 pm, at the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse – but again, the annual membership meeting/drive is NEXT Tuesday [March 15], 6 pm, at The Hall at Fauntleroy inside the old schoolhouse.

2 Replies to "Fauntleroy Community Assoc.: Tuesday event; 'Whale Trail' signs"

  • AceMotel March 14, 2011 (2:57 am)

    nothing at Whale Tail Park?

  • Donna, The Whale Trail March 14, 2011 (3:01 pm)

    @AceMotel – Our sites are places where you can see whales and other marine mammals from shore, at least some time of the year…so as much as I love the Whale Tail Park, it doesn’t qualify ;) However…we will include a description of it (and pictures?) on the web pages for the Alki sites.

    Thanks for the write-up, WSB, and to the FCA for having us. Fauntleroy folks, see you at the Food Fest tomorrow!

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