(Photo courtesy West Seattle Family YMCA)
The West Seattle and Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor) is more than just the facilities you’re familiar with in The Triangle and at Fauntleroy Church – they are behind a wide variety of youth programs all around the area, including at local schools and community centers, helping kids of all ages. Right now, they’re in the midst of the annual Partners With Youth fundraising campaign and just got the first report last night: $53,000 toward a community-campaign goal of $200,000. Samantha Bowes from the Y adds, “Special thanks to Talarico’s Pizza for donating 100% of the food for the report night – more than 100 people dined very well thanks to their generosity! Belated thanks also goes to Husky Deli for sponsoring the food for Partners With Youth volunteer campaigner trainings in January.”
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