West Seattle Thursday, besides the snow: Orca talk RESCHEDULED, The Bridge opens, more…

(Mushroom in the snow, photo by Machel Spence)
The weather’s expected to get colder but not much snowier (though it’s flurrying as we write this), which should mean all’s well in getting to at least some of the great things happening around here today/tonight, though we have one major postponement so far. Highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

‘TUCKER AND THE ORCAS’ RESCHEDULED TO NEXT THURSDAY: Just got word from Donna Sandstrom at The Whale Trail that tonight’s talk at the Duwamish Longhouse is rescheduled to NEXT Thursday, March 3rd, 7 pm.

No other changes that we know of – but please call or e-mail if you know of something!

GRAND OPENING FOR ‘THE BRIDGE’: 4 pm, the new drinks/food place in the old Redline (etc.) opens its doors. Here’s our sneak-peek story from last week.

RON ANGELES CELEBRATION: 6-8 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, come wish the longtime district coordinator a happy “retirement” (though of course, he won’t be idle) – here’s the story we published last night about Ron’s thoughts looking back and looking ahead.

JEWISH KIDS IN THE KITCHEN: Challah Baking event, 3 pm at the West Seattle Torah Learning Center, ages 5-10. Call 206-852-6418 or gitifredman@gmail.com to see if there’s still room.

TALK TIME: New English conversation group for those learning English. It meets weekly on Thursdays at the High Point Library, free, call 206-684-7454 with questions.

‘THE CHANGING HOUSE’: Lidunn Øverdahl Cain at the Southwest Library, 6:30 pm, exploring the possibilities of modifying a home to meet your changing needs.

BURLESQUE AT SKYLARK CAFE AND CLUB: New monthly event – 9 pm!

More on the calendar; and check back for more weather updates and other news all day long.

4 Replies to "West Seattle Thursday, besides the snow: Orca talk RESCHEDULED, The Bridge opens, more..."

  • hatcher February 24, 2011 (1:27 pm)

    Yay for the Bridge! Can’t wait!

  • Jessie SK February 24, 2011 (4:33 pm)

    Burlesque has just been cancelled due to weather. This is a monthly event, the last Thursday of each month, so we’ll have the dancers back on March 31st.

  • coffee February 24, 2011 (9:26 pm)

    It would have been nice to have a sign in the window at the skylark saying closed. And the weather is not that bad.

  • WSB February 24, 2011 (9:39 pm)

    Darn, didn’t see that comment till now or would have elevated it to weather coverage. At 4:33 pm, the weather was pretty lousy in some spots … that was the thick of the first big shower … then a little over an hour later (when I was driving right through it) there was an icy shower that coated the roads in some spots, to the point where I almost turned around and canceled a downtown meeting I’d gone to great lengths to be able to attend … TR

Sorry, comment time is over.