Seems summer begins in February. In the past week, we’ve been looking ahead to all sorts of big West Seattle summer events – and tonight, we have three previews from the latest West Seattle Hi-Yu Summer Festival meeting. In the top photo, that’s the official design for this year’s Hi-Yu float, based on the “Sparkling Seattle” theme chosen from Junior Court Princess Riley Fredericks‘s idea in December (WSB coverage here). Once again this year, West Seattle Hi-Yu needs someplace to build the float – please contact the festival through their website if you have a site to suggest.
Next, tonight’s meeting resulted in the choice of a winning design for this year’s fundraising button:

The winning design was created by Marianne Unite, sister of Senior Court Princess Rosemarie Unite. You’ll see it on sale as Hi-Yu gets closer. Meantime, Princess Rosemarie and her court-mate Princess Victoria Ferrulli showed off this year’s princess gown:

Fashion expert Angela Nichols of Funky Jane’s Consignment – who’s also mom of reigning Junior Court Queen Taylor Nichols – calls the color “raspberry/salmon.” The queen’s gown will be the same design, but made in blue.
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