2 ways to help: Alki Tavern on Thursday, WS Eagles on Feb. 25

February 16, 2011 11:09 pm
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Info on two fundraisers to share – this first one is happening tomorrow (Thursday) night but just came in. From Peter:

All proceeds from food sales at the Alki Tavern (1321 Harbor Ave SW) tomorrow night, Thursday, February 17, 2011, are being donated to the West Seattle Food Bank and Family Promise of Seattle. Readers of the wsblog are already familiar with the great work being done by the WS Food Bank in our community, and they will also recognize Family Promise as the only homeless shelter in West Seattle. The Alki Tavern is well known for its Taco Thursday promotion where they sell tacos for $1.00 apiece, and the view from the tavern is the best in all of Seattle. Good food, good friends, good view, all with a view to building a stronger community. Come join us.

Family Promise, you may recall, is working to raise $90,000 so it can reopen its program housing homeless families with volunteer help from local congregations. Meantime, Jennifer is inviting you to a benefit at the West Seattle Eagles‘ HQ weekend after next – and collecting auction donations now:

Event- 2nd annual Art Erhmann Cancer benefit

Where- West Seattle Eagles, 4426 California SW

When- February 25th, 530-1100 pm
Silent Auction preview starts at 330 pm.

We will have pulled pork sandwiches, beer specials, silent auction, and entertainment.

I’m currently taking donations of any kind of stuff we can put into a gift basket; deadline for donations will be Thursday the 24th by 11 pm. In addition, for any business donating, we will provide a form for tax purposes.

My contact info – 206-938-4426

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