Government notes: California SW rezoning; South Park Bridge $

Two government notes of interest from today:

REZONING FINALIZED: The rezoning of a block-plus along California SW between Hinds and Hanford (and a little beyond) was approved unanimously by the full City Council upzonescreengrab.jpgthis afternoon, two weeks after a council committee recommended approval. This means the zoning along that block will change from NC1-30 to NC2-40, meaning future redevelopment could include larger business spaces (businesses as big as 25,000 square feet) and taller buildings (up to 40 feet instead of 30). Neighbors along the adjoining single-family-residence blocks on both sides had been fighting the proposal since it emerged more than 3 years ago. Our archive of coverage along the way is here.

SOUTH PARK BRIDGE MONEY: An update from County Councilmember Joe McDermott:

This morning the King County Council reaffirmed our commitment to the South Park community by committing $30 million to replace the South Park Bridge. This money, however, is contingent on a legally binding agreement with the Port of Seattle and the City of Seattle. The Port of Seattle has already committed $5 million to the project, and I am certain that the city will as well. Our region’s economic competitiveness relies on the South Park Bridge; it serves an area that is home to 32,000 jobs and is an entry point to a community where 76 percent of the businesses are minority owned. I will continue to work with the City of Seattle, the Port, the State and the Federal government to ensure we replace the South Park Bridge under our current timeline.

This comes two months after the announcement of a federal grant completing the pledged funding (WSB coverage here), and five and a half months after the old bridge was permanently closed (WSB coverage here). The county expects to start building the new bridge next April.

8 Replies to "Government notes: California SW rezoning; South Park Bridge $"

  • Alki Area December 13, 2010 (10:45 pm)

    FINALLY. Just wanted a yes or no on this. Not as bad as the 99 tunnel (which our grand children will be debating) but still too long.

    Of COURSE California should be the center of compact commercial development. Where ELSE do you want it? 61st Ave? Beach Drive? California is THE commercial strip, the spine of West Seattle. If we’re to grow (and sorry, we WILL whether you like or acknowledge it) we should grow in the most dense commercial streets first and try to avoid spilling into the surrounding side streets. This is smart. Good idea. Growth happens. Do it smart.

    The only constant in the Universe is change.

  • Alki Area December 13, 2010 (10:55 pm)

    P.S. That being said, if there are actual HISTORIC buildings, lets please save/preserve them! I don’t want to see the Junction’s cool buildings (Easy Street, Cupcake Royal, etc) torn down to make generic “box” apartments. But there are some fugly 60’s/70’s crackerbox retail and apartment buildings on California I would cheer being torn down.

  • homesweethome December 14, 2010 (6:32 am)

    Alki Ave – finally a voice of reason on first comment. Thank you. Although “cool” does not actually determine historic value.

  • Alki Area December 14, 2010 (7:59 am)

    True, determining historical value is complicated (see debate over “Denny’s” in Ballard). Some buildings are historic just for geeky architectural reasons, some for history, some for just community love…sometimes hard to get agreement. But still glad we’re aiming an increase in West Seattle density at the ALREADY dense areas.

  • RP December 14, 2010 (9:48 am)

    “This money, however, is contingent on a legally binding agreement with the Port of Seattle and the City of Seattle.”……That agreement would be what? I sure hope South Park isn’t going to get scr%$wed…more then they already have been.

  • redblack December 14, 2010 (3:56 pm)

    and who is to be the arbiter of “cool” or “fugly?”
    whoever has the lowest bid?
    i can think of two buildings on california that i think are “fugly” that should be torn down:
    1: mcdonald’s. 2: mcdonald’s.

  • Manolita December 14, 2010 (4:59 pm)

    Alki Area, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Let’s move on beyond the NO CHANGE culture. Growth happens.

  • redblack December 14, 2010 (6:11 pm)

    so it’s to be unregulated growth or no growth?
    it seems to me that there might be a middle ground here.

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