8:01 PM: The 34th District State House Position 2 seat – including West Seattle, White Center, and part of Burien – is the one that Rep. Sharon Nelson is leaving to run unopposed for the State Senate seat Joe McDermott is relinquishing for his County Council run. Four people filed to run, and the primary ended with Nelson’s legislative assistant Joe Fitzgibbon and King County Councilmember Jan Drago community liaison Mike Heavey as the top two vote-getters. Tonight’s results in this race will be here; more to come.

(Joe Fitzgibbon at his Election Night party at Skylark Café and Club [WSB sponsor])
8:19 PM: Tonight’s vote count is in. Fitzgibbon is ahead of Heavey, 55 percent to 44 percent. From the county website:
Joe Fitzgibbon 11809 54.80%
Mike Heavey 9472 43.96%
9:40 PM: This was considered a marquee race – open legislative seat, two Democrats facing off in the general – so we have talked to both Fitzgibbon and Heavey, and will add those video clips here as soon as they are uploaded. (added) We asked Fitzgibbon what he wants to do first in Olympia:
(Sorry about the blue squiggle in the video – no idea where that came from!)