That’s Liame, who Service Dog Academy proprietor Mary McNeight says has been trained in a unique area of service-dog work: Diabetic alerts. Mary says a trained diabetic-alert dog might cost up to $25,000; a dog with this training can tell its owner they are going low “20 minutes before a meter can even register it – dogs’ noses are amazing feats of nature that can be easily harnessed to help their human companions take control of their diabetes.” She’s offering a 16-week, $650 class for regular dogs and their owners that “will teach the dogs to alert when blood sugar levels drop below 80, go retrieve sugary drinks to quickly raise blood sugar levels, go get a meter and if the need arises go get the help of a human companion or call 911.” According to Mary, this is the only training of its kind available in the Northwest right now. She trains not only service dogs but regular dogs/puppies at her recently opened training studio north of Morgan Junction; there’s more info on her website about the upcoming diabetic-alert training and who’s eligible.
West Seattle, Washington
15 Saturday