Seafair Pirates’ land-borne Moby Duck idled by ~$25,000 fire

(Photos courtesy Seafair Pirates)
Kids and adults alike shriek at its cannon blasts during parades, and wave as it carries the Seafair Pirates along city streets at other times of the year (with some of the pirates living in West Seattle, it’s a semi-common sight here between parade seasons too). But tonight, the Moby Duck is docked, so to speak, by the damage done in an engine fire. Our partners at the Seattle Times reported this morning on the fire, which happened late last night in Bothell. The group’s spokespirate Mark “Keelhaul” Jensen told the Times the damage could total $25,000. We e-mailed him to ask if they’d photographed the damage, and he sent photos including the two we’re using here:

The Pirates plan an emergency meeting to figure out what to do and whether they’ll need a donation drive to get Moby Duck sailing our area’s asphalt/concrete passageways again.

6 Replies to "Seafair Pirates' land-borne Moby Duck idled by ~$25,000 fire"

  • dsa October 3, 2010 (2:13 pm)

    They must think it needs replaced or total rebuild. I don’t understand the 25k figure otherwise.

  • kc on the hill October 3, 2010 (3:31 pm)

    not unlike the Hi-Yu Float of years past. After years of bandaids and limited budgets, sometimes major surgury is the best for all involved. For the most part it’s the end of the parade season.

    been there done that, GODD LUCK

  • joeintacoma October 4, 2010 (3:27 pm)

    What kind of pirates have an engine? I guess they should have stuck with sails or oars?

  • Margaret October 5, 2010 (9:38 am)

    The pirates should ask classic car clubs to help out. I bet someone has a working engine sitting around and free volunteers as well.

  • sherry mccready October 6, 2010 (9:16 am)

    thank god no one was hurt.

  • Serena Frank October 6, 2010 (11:46 am)

    BUMMER CITY!!! I can feel the loss even from south Texas. Love to Barnacle (and Markie J., too – surprised ya, huh?!?)

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