Happening now: Lafayette Elementary Walk-A-Thon

Big week for West Seattle’s biggest elementary school (526 students as of the newest enrollment report), Lafayette. Yesterday, we showed you a second-grade class’s special field trip; today, the entire school’s involved in the biggest fundraiser of the year, the annual Walk-A-Thon. Above, lining the course to cheer on the walkers – some run:

And some get company – that’s WestSide Baby‘s Nancy Woodland taking a lap earlier this morning. School fundraisers like this rustle up cash for what the budget just doesn’t cover any more – though at least the schools still get great folks like the Lafayette office team, Ms. Selena and Ms. Connie:

For years, by the way, Lafayette has been working on upgrade its playground – and an entirely different round of fundraisers is under way to take advantage of a grant that’ll evaporate if not matched – look for that story coming up here on WSB. And if you have a school fundraiser, celebration, event, need, whatever, that you want to make sure the greater West Seattle community knows about – send the info this way! Thanks!

2 Replies to "Happening now: Lafayette Elementary Walk-A-Thon"

  • Leopard mom October 22, 2010 (7:53 pm)

    A huge thanks to all of the people and businesses that sponsored this year’s event – my daughter’s t-shirt was filled with the names and logos of some very kind sponsors. Thank you for contributing to our community! We love West Seattle!

  • Laurie October 22, 2010 (10:15 pm)

    These kids really put their all into the event. It was amazing and sweet to see them running around that asphalt track to raise money for the school. At least one of the First Graders told me he ran 25 laps. That’s 6.25 miles! Go Leopards!

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