West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Tonight’s formal dedication of the Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation‘s new Gatewood church was both a solemn occasion and a joyful celebration.
Its opening moments included that procession featuring dozens of clergy members from UU churches around the region (and from West Seattle congregations of other faiths) streaming into the sanctuary (above); its closing moments included the congregation’s children scampering into the sanctuary:
Their appearance echoed one that had kickstarted the campaign that brought the church – which met at the Masonic Hall in The Junction for two decades – into this new home, the former Gatewood Baptist/Seattle International Church (7141 California SW). The congregation moved in last month (here’s our coverage of their ribboncutting ceremony), less than 5 months after taking possession, but tonight brought the formalities and even the president of the UU denomination – our coverage, with more video, continues after the jump:Read More
Jennifer Cargal from Friends of Dakota Place Park said this afternoon’s work party at the park was on, no matter what the weather did – and she wasn’t kidding. Despite the intermittent rain and wind, “hardy volunteers prevail(ed),” as she headlined the note in which she shared these two photos and this report:
Despite the weather, we had a dozen or so hardy volunteers who came to weed, plant and prune at Dakota Place Park Sunday afternoon. Through rain, wind and even a little sun, we accomplished a lot and even had some fun.
Dakota Place Park was dedicated a year ago. One final phase has been on the drawing board a while – completion of the old substation building’s conversion into auxiliary space for Hiawatha Community Center programs.
When you don’t know where else to turn, West Seattle Helpline is a place to go – to figure out how to get the help you need. And they don’t just offer connections; they also run a clothing bank, among other programs. But you can’t help others without reaching out for some help to make that happen – and the fall fundraiser for West Seattle Helpline is one way for you to make sure their work can continue. It’s set for 6 pm Thursday, November 4th, at Salty’s on Alki, with dinner, music, a silent auction, and a few words from the former Helpline board member who is now King County Executive, West Seattle’s own Dow Constantine. Tickets are $75 and they’d like to have your RSVP by next Saturday: wshelpline@gmail.org or 206.932.2746. (Here’s the official flyer.)
After noticing so many people out buying pumpkins today, we put out the call via Facebook this afternoon: It’s been fun to spotlight West Seattle jack-o-lantern pix in recent years, so send us yours! And we’ve received several already. Here are three. Top, Stephanie shares “Pac-Kin”; next, Sarah, Dan, and Wrigley sent their trio of “freshly carved West Seattle pumpkins”:
Via Facebook, Joleen shared a photo from her visit (with a friend she says is also from WS) to last week’s Keene, New Hampshire, pumpkin festival – the bottom two jack o’lanterns are theirs:
Also from the after-dark files, David Rosen from SlickPix Photography shares the one he made for his Halloween party:
Counting Halloween, we have seven nights ahead for pumpkin-showcasing – share yours any of these ways!
A few quick high-school-sports notes: First, the score from the last of this weekend’s three varsity-football games involving local teams: In Fife, Seattle Lutheran High School lost 47-37. However, in confirming the score, SLHS’s Bil Hood also noted “… our soccer team is looking strong [9-1-1 so far], and Matt Haggerty took 4th at the Cross Country league meet.” Meantime, congratulations to West Seattle High School‘s volleyball team – athletic director George Foster mentioned during the Huling Bowl on Friday night that the team has won its division (they’re 11-4 overall). Got another success story to share? Let us know!
(Photo added 5:17 pm, courtesy Jerry from JetCityOrange.com)
A few minutes ago, the National Weather Service sent out a “short-term forecast” alert:
Overall, the latest forecast predicts gusts up to 24 miles per hour, but 40-mph gusts are possible tomorrow.
Several people have reported that the West Marginal Way SW/Highland Park Way SW intersection is closed this morning. The new Seattle City Light outage-tracker map indicates a 4-customer outage in that area, attributed to “car vs. pole,” and one WSB Forums member reports power problems in the middle of the night (we noted a flicker via Twitter around 2 am, but the outage tracker didn’t show anything immediately afterward). We’re on our way to check out the scene. 11:25 AM: HP Way is blocked off at the bottom of the hill and City Light trucks are in action about a block uphill. 12:56 PM: We went by a short time ago, still closed, City Light still at work. Photo added. 3:42 PM: Though we went back around 2, only to see the road still closed, the City Light tracker has since cleared the outage. Don’t know for sure if that means the road has reopened too – but we’ll go back again to check when we can, if we don’t get confirmation sooner. Meantime, via Facebook, Brian says he was one of the first on the scene of the crash that caused this, around 1:42 am.
More from the WSB Events calendar for the rest of today (wondering about the forecast? here’s the latest): As previewed here again yesterday, the Admiral Theater movie benefit for Sofia Goff and family is at 11 … The West Seattle Eagles invite you to come shop at their holiday bazaar, 11 am-5 pm … Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation celebrates the official dedication of their new church in Gatewood with a service including dozens of ministers and the president of the denomination, 7 pm tonight … Seattle Slam wheelchair rugby/aboutQR.cfm starts at 11:30 am at Southwest Community Center … And the Southwest Library artists’ showcase starts today; the library’s open 1-5 pm.
You might recall the story we published earlier this week, written by Tilden School‘s fifth-graders, who are working on forest restoration. They’re volunteering weekly at nearby Dakota Place Park, too – removing trash as well as weeds and other invasive plants – as did last year’s fifth-graders, and Tilden shared the photo to help remind you of a communitywide work party TODAY at Dakota Place – it’s been on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar since Jennifer Cargal from Friends of Dakota Place Park sent word: “You’ve been enjoying that park. Well, it’s time to grab your gloves, a trowel or a shovel and join us for a work party … LABEL ALL TOOLS!! And come prepared for the weather! We work either way. We hope you’ll join us as we work together for a great fall clean-up for Dakota Place Park. Hope to see you at the park!” If you haven’t been to the park (dedicated exactly one year ago), it’s on the northwest corner of California/Dakota – here’s a map.
(What else is up in West Seattle today? Here’s the calendar!)