West Seattle-linked team auctions ‘Bacon Kevin Bacon’ for charity

(YouTube photo montage of Bacon Kevin Bacon – substituted for previous video clip, which seems to be broken)
In recent months, you might have seen the What Do Bacon Do? folks around West Seattle — at the WS Art Walk last April, street festivals, etc., with their festive felt Bacon People. Right now, they’re gaining new attention for their role in a fundraiser – and they’ll even be on KING 5‘s “New Day Northwest” at 11 this morning, we just found out. The photo above is the reason why – they were part of the making of a bust of actor Kevin Bacon, crafted from, what else, bacon. West Seattleite Wendy Watkins is on the WDBD team and explains it’s being auctioned on eBay – three days to go, and the bidding’s past $4,000! – to raise money for Ashley’s Team, a foundation to help families dealing with childhood cancer (Ashley is a leukemia patient who is also the daughter of the owner of J&D Foods, a partner in the BKB endeavor and best known for Bacon Salt). Sorry, though, BKB is not edible – as the eBay description notes, it’s been “well-lacquered.” (Bid here!)

12 Replies to "West Seattle-linked team auctions 'Bacon Kevin Bacon' for charity"

  • Krystel Olafson October 6, 2010 (11:50 am)

    YAY! Love the Whatdobacondo peeps!

  • Jeff October 6, 2010 (1:37 pm)

    Looks a little bit more like a bacon John Kerry.

  • KBear October 6, 2010 (2:01 pm)

    They’d better keep it at 6 degrees, so it won’t separate!

  • SarahScoot October 6, 2010 (2:33 pm)

    I saw this the other day and thought it looked like Conan O’Brien, but I can also see John Kerry.
    Unfortunately, it does not look like Kevin Bacon, in my opinion.

  • valvashon October 6, 2010 (3:47 pm)

    Set to the “New Day” theme music:

    ‘You’re on “New Daaaaaay”
    Because you’ll paaaaaay’

    Seriously. Watch the credits.

  • RJB October 6, 2010 (4:07 pm)

    Heard that before about that New Day program….I heart Kevin Bacon made of bacon.

  • Sue October 6, 2010 (6:34 pm)

    FYI, can’t watch the video – when you click it says “This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender’s friend request.”

    • WSB October 6, 2010 (7:13 pm)

      That’s too bad – it worked earlier today. Will check it out when I can – in a meeting right now and unable to view video. Thanks for the heads-up – TR

  • HelperMonkey October 6, 2010 (7:52 pm)

    I think it looks more like Bruce Campbell. Bacon Bruce Campbell. give it some sugar, baby.

  • evilchris October 7, 2010 (8:36 am)

    that video does not work!!!! it’s set for private viewing only :o)

    • WSB October 7, 2010 (9:00 am)

      It wasn’t when I embedded it – sorry. And it had more than a thousand views by that time already so that wasn’t particularly private … but whatever, I’ll find something to substitute – TR

  • Edward October 7, 2010 (6:21 pm)

    How sad that the cruel violent death of a beautiful animal be made into a bust of Kevin Bacon.
    Its really pathetic that the pain and suffering of one animal is ignored by another (humans)
    animals are equal!!!!

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