West Seattle Art Walk April scenes: Bacon, mirrors, music

April 8, 2010 10:12 pm
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The Body Bar on the north end of The Junction was the most sizzling venue during tonight’s West Seattle Art Walk – because it was all about bacon. At right, with her muse, that’s artist KathyJ, who can be best appreciated through her website what do bacon do?see it here. Next, Max Humphres was at Brunette Mix (WSB sponsor) with his mirror art:

And if you had wandered into Mural (WSB sponsor), you would have heard the sounds of guitarist/singer Rod Moody mingled with cheery conversation:

His performance was presented by Mural’s future sister building, Link, under construction in The Triangle. These were three of the 41 venues on tonight’s list; next West Seattle Art Walk is Thursday, May 13th.

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