West Seattle, Washington
14 Friday
When Andrea Mercado hung out with the “paranormal investigators” who visited the Log House Museum a few weeks ago (WSB coverage here), she said, they seemed to detect some kind of presence. At the Southwest Seattle Historical Society Halloween brunch today at Salty’s on Alki, she showed up as the presence they said they’d detected – “a spirit who had died in a farming accident.” This is her final weekend running the museum, as announced recently. Meantime, another uniquely “spirited” event today – the Duwamish River tour billed as “scary” – Sharron Meeks shared photos including the leafless South Park Bridge from the water:
Spooky stories, as promised by the announcement of the tour, were provided by guides like the Snohomish Tribe’s Mike Evans:
Some hot Halloween happenings are under way right now, like “Come As You Aren’t” at Skylark Café and Club (WSB sponsor) and Hive Mind Halloween at nearby Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (remember, the Pai’s food truck outside is open to anyone, hive-minding or not, till 2 am).
Final score from Memorial Stadium downtown: Eastside Catholic 47, West Seattle High School 13.
ADDED 9:44 PM: More from the game, including video:Read More
One month ago, we shared the news that we – and you – were in the final running for a national Online Journalism Award. Tonight, your editor here is at the awards banquet in Washington, D.C., the final event in the Online News Association‘s annual conference – and we won! We’ve just had the thrill of accepting that award on behalf of not just the WSB team but all of West Seattle. (Tough competition – the other three finalists were projects by CNN, CBC, and the LA Times.)
Too dark in here to add a photo of the trophy yet but we will later. Trophy at right. Most importantly, THANK YOU for your collaboration in sharing West Seattle news, information, and discussion 24/7 … collaboration that has drawn national attention and now, formal recognition of its extraordinary nature. We are honored to be working with you and for you, 24/7.
9:18 PM: The archived video of the awards banquet is online now – if you’re interested in the WSB announcement and acceptance, it’s about 22:30 in.
3 West Seattle Crime Watch reports tonight – a car break-in with loot including a child’s prized skateboard, a custom model you would know if you saw; a home break-in with loot including a distinctive cutting board and a wedding video; and a case of gas siphoning. Read on:Read More
Till 6 pm tonight, it’s the first day of the first annual West Seattle Halloween Ski Swap is under way at the VFW Hall (3601 SW Alaska), benefiting the West Seattle Snow Sports Council. Haunted house, too! Mastermind – Mountain to Sound Outfitters proprietor Greg Whittaker, here in Viking garb, with wife Kara Whittaker and their son:
The ski swap continues tomorrow, 10 am-4 pm, if you don’t get there today.
Never mind the rain, the Halloween show must go on. And so it is, at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) where photo sessions are under way, as a fundraiser for WestSide Baby and the West Seattle Food Bank – Hotwire proprietor Lora just sent that photo. Good place to take shelter, as you can see from this angle:
And come admire the merchants’ Halloween spirit – like the team from Forsythe Studio:
Junction trick-or-treating continues till 3 pm – more photos to come. ADDED 4:18 PM: As promised!
Umbrellas were suddenly the perfect accessory for trick-or-treating!
An angelic sighting at Terjung’s:
As always, costume creativity, and cuteness, abounded:
Two more area business-district trick-or-treat events are yet to come – both tomorrow – White Center 3-5 pm, Westwood Village 4-7 pm.
Fairmount Playground‘s upgrades are done and it’s open for the serious business of having fun. “Granny Annie Lenssen” shares this photo of someone who already gave it a test run:
Just wanted to send you this photo of my grandson, the official First One To enjoy the newly updated park with the ferry, swings, climbing net, and more. You can tell from his expression that he’s loving it! And this is in pouring rain! The workers had just removed the fence and said he was the first one to visit!
That’s the Pai’s food truck (Thai/Hawaiian, they tell us) – which you can check out tonight at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW), 8 pm-2 am, even if you are not going to the event that’s drawn it there, Hive Mind Halloween. Another big event on the Halloween schedule today: Trick or Treat at The Junction, 1-3 pm – with lots of special events at various Junction venues, including photos at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) and Senior Center of West Seattle. Plus, Donna Ryan Photography is again offering their space on SW Alaska (next to Cupcake Royale) for parents of small children:
I will be opening my studio space to parents for feeding and changing on Saturday (trick or treat) from 12-4pm. There will also be Halloween craft activities for toddlers. In short, a rest place and break from the chaos.
Outside The Junction, events include the West Seattle Thriftway Halloween party and Growing Gardeners Appreciation Day at West Seattle Nursery. Plus a fundraiser for Family Promise of Seattle is part of this event at Chief Sealth International High School:
The Associated Student Body (ASB) of Chief Sealth International High School is a hosting a youth Halloween Carnival from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. This event will feature a large bounce house sponsored by the Chief Sealth PTSA and a variety of games run by students with plenty of candy and prizes! Every kid will leave a winner! There is no entry fee although donations are gladly accepted at the door with all proceeds benefitting the Class of 2011 Grad Night activities. In addition, ASB is supporting a local organization, Family Promise of Seattle, and all money that is raised from kid’s face painting will go directly to them. Family Promise of Seattle helps newly homeless children and their families by getting them off the streets and into a stable, supportive environment that moves them toward self-sufficiency. The Halloween Carnival welcomes all children ages 5-12 years and their families to the Chief Sealth International High School Galleria (2600 SW Thistle). Make sure you come in costume and leave the face painting to us!
On the grownup side – WSB sponsor Skylark Café and Club‘s annual “Come as You Aren’t” bash is tonight:
The premise – bands pretending to be someone else, visually and musically. 3803 Delridge Way SW, be there.
Again, the Halloween stuff is all on the WSB West Seattle Halloween list – have a great day/night!
One more reminder – the 1st Avenue South Bridge, northbound only, is scheduled to be closed today, 7 am-3 pm. Here’s the original announcement. We’ll publish an update if we get word of an earlier reopening.
The photo and explanation are from John Van Lierop, Jr., organist at Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor).
This year, All Hallows’ Eve (Halloween) falls on a Sunday. At Tibbetts United Methodist Church in West Seattle, the minister, Rev. Dr. Joanne Carlson Brown, is encouraging her members to dress in costume for that Sunday. Even though Halloween originated as a pagan holiday, it also has Christian roots as churches celebrate All Saints’ Day the next day. Oct. 31 also happens to be Reformation Sunday, when the Protestant churches mark the anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg church. Rev. Brown, who will be dressed in costume, believes in a God who delights in us and loves laughter and fun as well as praise.
In the photo are John, “dressed as he will be on Halloween Sunday,” with two of his piano pupils, Kira and Nicholas Branch, who also attend Tibbetts (which is at 3940 41st SW).
Thanks yet again for sharing so many great pumpkin photos this past week – This round begins with one from Chef Jason Todd Rice at The Bohemian, who also wants to make sure you know they have a special cocktail with proceeds going to help Sofia Goff from now-closed Café Revo – just ask for “La Sofia.” Meantime, Meredith shared this group:
And two from Todd:
If you have a pumpkin pic to share for the final two roundups tonight and Halloween night – please use this address: westseattleblog@gmail.com … our main one’s having a few technical challenges at the moment and might not be fixed till later Saturday. Thanks and have a great time this weekend!