Admiral Safeway demolition: Lafayette students’ front-row view

As demolition continues, the old Admiral Safeway is almost entirely rubble now, except for the brick pillars holding steel triangles, as part of its former facade. The wall along California SW came down about two hours ago, quite the lesson for the students across the street, as explained by Luckie, who shared the photos:

Most of Lafayette Elementary was standing on the sidewalk at 10:30 this morning. The construction company at Safeway contacted principal Virginia Turner to let her know the brick wall along California Ave. would be demolished today. Each “bite” of the excavator was met with cheers, shrieks, and enthusiastic jumping up and down.

Here’s our photo of how things currently look at the site:

If we get more demolition photos later, we’ll add them here. The new store is scheduled to be complete and open next summer; a residential/work-share building along 42nd SW is being built separately. 1:46 PM UPDATE: Just talked to Ron from the demolition crew. He says the twin pillar/triangle structures probably won’t come down till next week, after the debris are all cleared (they’ve been filling and taking away truckloads, just while we’ve been staked out).

12 Replies to "Admiral Safeway demolition: Lafayette students' front-row view"

  • Carrie Ann September 29, 2010 (12:58 pm)

    Oh, good! Glad to see this and find out my daughter didn’t miss out when she was absent yesterday. That was one of the first things she said to me this morning, upon parking the car near the construction site: “Oh no! I hope they didn’t do the walking field trip to watch the construction, yesterday!!” I’m sure I’ll get an ear full when I pick her up in a bit and we’ll be standing there to watch even more.

  • madashell September 29, 2010 (1:06 pm)

    Excellent. Those of us in the construction industry want girls and boys to consider careers in construction and engineering. Gotta start ’em at a young age!

  • madashell September 29, 2010 (1:07 pm)

    Good thing the wall didn’t tip on that nice red pickup! These guys know what they’re doing.

  • JanS September 29, 2010 (1:48 pm)

    now I’m waiting for the big pillars to come down….have wondered why they’re still standing.

    • WSB September 29, 2010 (2:03 pm)

      Jan – I just added a line after talking with demolition team member (who came over to see what I was up to, staked out with laptop and cameras, wearing dark suit). He says not till next week – they hope to bring them down simultaneously, he said!

  • Diane September 29, 2010 (2:19 pm)

    will they make any effort to deconstruct pillars to save/reuse triangles & bricks?

    • WSB September 29, 2010 (2:29 pm)

      Diane, you have such a great question, it appears Sara from Safeway already answered it in the e-mail account I haven’t checked in 45 minutes: “The pillars are still standing because the bricks are going to be recycled. The contractor does not want to demolish the pillars until other debris is cleaned up to prevent the bricks from being contaminated. All the demolished material will go to a recycling plant, and they will determine what percentage can be recycled.” – TR

  • JanS September 29, 2010 (3:37 pm)

    well, now, I just may have to leave my hidey-hole and walk across the street to see that :) Thanks, TR

  • Diane September 29, 2010 (5:49 pm)

    Thanks TR; that’s very good news; now I want to go watch the deconstruction

  • sun*e September 29, 2010 (11:12 pm)

    *chuckle* @JanS – for some reason that gave me a chuckle… what the heck is a hidey-hole?

  • redblack September 30, 2010 (5:28 am)

    “clean-up on aisle 5!”
    what a mess.

  • madashell September 30, 2010 (2:24 pm)

    BooHoo, miss our drop-off/pick-up “waiting zone”….:'( Safer for kids.

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