day : 29/09/2010 14 results

Celebration at The Kenney for its CEO’s new statewide role

September 29, 2010 11:58 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle people

The Kenney‘s CEO Kevin McFeely had an extra reason to be all smiles Wednesday afternoon – friends and colleagues from around the area crowded one of the West Seattle retirement center’s meeting rooms for a reception in his honor. The occasion: He’s been elected to chair the board of Aging Services of Washington, whose CEO Deb Murphy is with him in the top photo. According to an announcement from The Kenney, McFeely will serve a one-year term working with Murphy “in support of Aging Services’ legislative advocacy and professional development programs.” Serious work – though he got a goofy gift from his staff, worn ever so briefly at the reception:

McFeely has been on the Aging Services of Washington board since 2001. You can find out more about the group at

Boarding up Boren: District covering windows at shuttered school

Got the tip from a community advocate: The former Boren Middle School on Delridge – home to Chief Sealth International High School the past two years, but empty this year – is being boarded up, apparently without notice to the neighborhood. We went by to check it out, and indeed, crews like the one in our photo (taken on the north side of the Boren building) were covering the windows with sheets of wood. When we called Seattle Public Schools, our inquiry was referred to facilities communication director Tom Redman. He told us it’s a matter of security, since the school is not scheduled for use any time soon – though it remains on the roster as a possible emergency backup facility if some other SPS facility has to be suddenly taken out of service, and he said it might somehow figure into BEX 4 – BEX 3 was the ballot measure that included the Denny/Sealth rebuild/renovation/colocation project. We asked if the district had plans to watch for graffiti vandalism, since boarded windows might seem like more attractive targets than glass windows, and he said they certainly would respond to reports/complaints. He didn’t know, however, if boarding up unused schools was standard procedure (we’ll be looking at Genesee Hill and Fairmount Park, the two empty elementaries in West Seattle, both of which were offered for lease earlier this year along with the former EC Hughes, but while Hughes was snapped up by Westside School [WSB sponsor], Genesee and Fairmount had no takers).

THURSDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: Redman clarifies the district’s policy:

We are selective. We try to balance asset protection with the cost of boarding the buildings not in use. Although not every window on every building not in use is boarded, we assess each building on a case by case basis.

Update: Charges filed in hit-run crash that killed GT Towing driver

Just in from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office: Charges are now filed against 20-year-old Shavelle Lewis, who had to be released from jail last night (WSB coverage here) because charges hadn’t been filed against her yet for the crash that killed 51-year-old William “Tony” Padilla, a driver for West Seattle-based GT Towing. She is charged with Vehicular Homicide and Felony Hit and Run, and a $150,000 warrant is out for her re-arrest. [Update: Lewis was booked back into jail at 6:23 pm.] We have the charging documents and will transcribe the narrative as soon as possible. ADDED 4:50 PM: The narrative from the charging documents (added in stages but complete as of 5:25 pm), after the jump:Read More

Southwest Precinct change of command: Capt. Kessler’s farewell

That’s what outgoing Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Joe Kessler told his team around noontime today as the precinct held an informal drop-in farewell reception. In our video, you see him with Lt. Von Levandowski and new commander Capt. Steve Paulsen. Like most office farewells, it was a time for handshakes and hugs – and cake…

(The SW logo is the same as the one on the new pins that we mentioned in our report two weeks ago on the command transition.) There was also a gift:

On the shirt sleeve, it says Precinct #1, in honor of the West Precinct that Capt. Kessler is about to take over (as announced two weeks ago) – headquartered downtown, but covering a wide span of the city, including Magnolia, Queen Anne, downtown, even the stadiums. Also on hand for today’s sendoff, Precinct Advisory Committee chair Pete Spalding of Pigeon Point:

It was roll-call time just before the event, so officers came and went – among those we saw, Sgt. Tony Baily, hailed last Friday by SPD leadership for calmly taking charge of the chaotic situation at the 14th SW murder-suicide scene a day earlier – he’s at left in this photo with Community Police Team Officer Kevin McDaniel:

The official transition day is this Friday – but the two captains already have been spending some time at their new posts. Capt. Kessler has led the SWP for almost two and a half years; Capt. Paulsen returns after 9 months working downtown, which followed more than four years at the SWP, where he was the Operations Lieutenant – second in command – before his move in January.

Parks Levy Opportunity Fund: Citywide ‘draft list’ now up

September 29, 2010 3:24 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle parks

As reported here yesterday, the Parks and Green Spaces Levy Oversight Committee has drafted a list of final contenders for the first round of the levy’s Opportunity Fund money, after a months-long process reviewing the 95 community-generated projects that sought a share. One of West Seattle’s reps on the committee, Pete Spalding, had told us that the draft list included 2 peninsula projects, Puget Ridge Edible Park and an expansion of the planned Highland Park wading-pool-to-spray-feature conversion. The full citywide list wasn’t available till today – but now you can get it (PDF) from the Parks website. As Pete also mentioned in a followup conversation today, the location of the October 25th public hearing has changed – it’ll be at Miller Community Center on Capitol Hill, signups at 6 pm, hearing at 7. The full timeline for decisions on which projects get funded can be found here.

All Souls: New West Seattle church, and new WSB sponsor

Today, we welcome a new WSB sponsor, All Souls Church. New sponsors are offered the opportunity to let you know what they’re about – so here’s their story: All Souls is a brand new church for the city, in our neighborhood, hosting their first Sunday worship on October 3, 10 am, at Madison Middle School. They are West Seattle locals, working and serving and playing where they live. They’re fixtures in the neighborhood –– familiar faces at the farmers’ market, the beach, the places with the best kids’ happy hours, the deli with the ice cream, that beverage place, that breakfast spot with the rotating menu, the cafe in the record store, and the park with the zipline. But this growing community is forming here not because our beautiful city is whole, but because it lacks wholeness. And certainly not because it needs more religion or self-help. Instead, All Souls exists because Seattle is filled with people just like us who can’t make themselves whole on their own, and can’t perfect themselves on their own, but who long to experience healing, significance, and hope.

All Souls, part of a network of grassroots, locally grown churches committed to changing cities by renewing neighborhoods, is not a church ‘just for ourselves’ — a community that makes sense only to its own members. Instead, it’s for folks on every corner of the spiritual grid. While ‘the church’ has not traditionally been a safe place to ask questions, express doubt, and work through life’s tattered edges in community, that’s precisely the hope for All Souls: a place to process freely and safely the audacious claims of Jesus, and the inevitable tension between the beauty and scandal of the historic Christian gospel. Because we haven’t heard the gospel for what it really is if we don’t find it at once horribly offensive and staggeringly beautiful. It is both heart-breaking and heart-mending.

So wherever you are on your spiritual journey, whether skeptical or mildly curious about the Christian faith, or whether you are already a committed follower of Christ, All Souls welcomes you. Because Jesus hasn’t come merely to make us Christians. He came to make us new. Learn more at, and discover All Souls Kids at

We thank All Souls Church for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our sponsor team, and info on joining, all here.

Admiral Safeway demolition: Lafayette students’ front-row view

As demolition continues, the old Admiral Safeway is almost entirely rubble now, except for the brick pillars holding steel triangles, as part of its former facade. The wall along California SW came down about two hours ago, quite the lesson for the students across the street, as explained by Luckie, who shared the photos:

Most of Lafayette Elementary was standing on the sidewalk at 10:30 this morning. The construction company at Safeway contacted principal Virginia Turner to let her know the brick wall along California Ave. would be demolished today. Each “bite” of the excavator was met with cheers, shrieks, and enthusiastic jumping up and down.

Here’s our photo of how things currently look at the site:

If we get more demolition photos later, we’ll add them here. The new store is scheduled to be complete and open next summer; a residential/work-share building along 42nd SW is being built separately. 1:46 PM UPDATE: Just talked to Ron from the demolition crew. He says the twin pillar/triangle structures probably won’t come down till next week, after the debris are all cleared (they’ve been filling and taking away truckloads, just while we’ve been staked out).

West Seattle restaurant news: Highstrike Grill now open

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli, substituted at 6:03 pm for our original cameraphone photo)
Johnnyblegsbroke the story in the WSB Forums – the new West Seattle Bowl restaurant, Highstrike Grill, is now open. Check out the forum thread, which even includes an early review. They don’t open till 3 pm, so we’ll have to go back for a peek inside; the menu’s posted by the door, though, if you want a preview (we took some photos we hope to add if they’re clear enough). Their website’s not up as of this moment but they are on Facebook – go here. Highstrike Grill opens less than four months after first word that its predecessor, Terrace West Chinese Restaurant, would close and be replaced. ADDED 2:04 PM: Short news release just in from West Seattle Bowl owner Andrew Carl:

HIGHSTRIKE Grill opens today with a menu that will excite not only bowlers at the West Seattle Bowl, but others who love fresh, high-quality burgers, steaks, pizza and seafood.

Chef Ian Joyce brings his experience at Anthony’s Homeport and The Art Institute of Seattle’s Culinary school and has created signature dishes that are mouthwatering, hand-crafted and modern.

“Whether you want a quick appetizer, dessert or a full meal – I have created a menu that will satisfy any craving and leave you wanting more.” said Chef Joyce.

Recreating the restaurant is part West Seattle Bowl’s ongoing commitment to provide a great experience for customers; from families and league bowlers to team building events and parties. The transformation started several years ago and includes new lanes, new scoring and an easy, online reservation system.

For a full menu visit West Seattle Bowl has been providing a fun venue for bowling since 1948.

ADDED 6:03 PM: Christopher Boffoli took photos for WSB inside the newly opened restaurant:

He also confirms – as noted in comments – the website’s up; here’s the link to the menu.

Got cardboard? West Seattle’s future Community Orchard needs it

The folks working to create the Community Orchard of West Seattle are hoping that stack of cardboard along the southwestern fence of the South Seattle Community College campus will grow a lot bigger with donations – got some? It’s on the south edge of the blackberry-covered acre that will soon be cleared to make way for the orchard – we chatted there this morning with orchard volunteer Bruce Falzarano and Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle‘s Aviva Furman:

They were at the site because of a different project reaching a milestone this morning – an experimental corn patch using biochar (we’ll have that as a separate story). In the meantime, if you have cardboard to donate to help mulch the orchard site, Aviva says, just take it there (it’s alongside the southernmost edge of the SSCC parking lot, 6000 16th SW – you have to walk past a small outbuilding and you’ll see it along the orchard-to-be site) and drop it off! (They’ve been getting coffee grounds donated by Starbucks, too, and hope to ring the site with it – coffee grounds can be a great soil amendment.)

Last call (with auction sneak peek) for tomorrow’s Eat Local Now!

Tomorrow’s the night – and organizers tell WSB a few tickets remain for the 7th annual Eat Local Now! dinner/auction/entertainment/education extravaganza at Sodo Park, the event venue run by West Seattle-founded Herban Feast (parent to Junction restaurant Fresh Bistro, whose Chef Dalis Chea is among those cooking up a sustainable-local-food storm for the event, which starts at 6 pm Thursday). We previewed the chefs last week; today, we also have a list of some of the businesses – many from West Seattle – that have donated silent-auction items – click ahead to read (and/or click here right now to buy tickets for Eat Local Now!, which has co-sponsors including WSB):Read More

Annual bazaar ahead at The Kenney, October 14 during West Seattle Art Walk

September 29, 2010 9:16 am
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 |   Announcements

Just out of the WSB inbox:

The Kenney Annual Bazaar
Thursday, October 14th 6-9 pm during the West Seattle Art Walk
7125 Fauntleroy Way SW

Home made baked goods and arts & crafts by Kenney Residents.
Holiday decorations, collectables and gifts.
All sales will benefit The Resident Life Care Fund.

Big sale ahead: Tibbetts United Methodist Church’s fall Rummage Sale, October 8-9

September 29, 2010 9:05 am
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From Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor):

You’re traveling through another dimension — a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the Tibbetts Rummage Zone!

Yes, bargain hunters, you read it correctly, that long anticipated fall event, the fall Tibbetts Rummage Sale. Two days of amazing bargains, October 8th, from 9:00am – 4:00pm and October 9th, 9:00am – 3:00pm. This year officially marks (OK, well it’s unofficial) the Golden Anniversary of our sale; fifty years of bringing bargains back to light from the basements of West Seattle. If you’ve never been, what will you find here? Who knows, it’s a rummage sale, if you will, a treasure hunt; every sale is different and if you don’t browse, you’ll never know what you could be missing!

One thing you won’t find at the rummage sale, old black and white TV’s showing grainy reruns of the Twilight Zone ……..well, probably not.

West Seattle Wednesday: School’s out early; WSHS PTSA; more…

September 29, 2010 9:03 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar: This is the first “early dismissal” day of the year for Seattle Public Schools – students are out two hours early so that teachers have professional-development time … And that’s not the only SPS note: West Seattle’s school board rep Steve Sundquist has a community chat availability at 11 am today, Delridge Library, plus, West Seattle High School‘s PTSA has its first meeting of the year tonight, 7 pm in the school library (all welcome, you do not have to be a member) … High Point Library is hosting Game On! for teens this afternoon, 3-5 pm, featuring Wii and Dance Dance Revolution games plus refreshments … The closest King County budget public hearing to West Seattle is at 6:30 tonight at County Council chambers downtown … The West Seattle location of Dream Dinners (longtime WSB sponsor) invites you to an Open House/tasting, east side of Jefferson Square (facing 41st SW), to try out their October menu – RSVP by clicking here and then going to “view sessions for October menu” – choose either 5:30, 6 or 6:30 (event password is “dinner”); call 206-938-5999 with questions … More on WSB West Seattle Events calendarthe calendar!

Click! Design That Fits close to West Seattle Junction opening

(Click! proprietors Frances and John Smersh look into their new space from its rear “mezzanine”)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

By the time they closed its doors after a farewell toast, John and Frances Smersh had nicknamed their original Click! Design That Fits location in the Admiral District “Click! Classic.”

Sunday was the last day their home accents/jewelry/more store (a longtime WSB sponsor) was open at the “classic” location. They are working now to finish their new West Seattle Junction space in hopes of a “soft open” this Friday – the sixth anniversary of the day they opened “Click! Classic” – with an official “grand opening” celebration planned for October 16.

One night last week, we met with Frances and John to check out the construction at the new Click! space (4540 California SW, vacated just a month ago when Friends and Company consolidated its operations on the Eastside).Read More