West Seattle Sky Watch: Meteor shower peaks tonight – see any?

When the meteor-shower talk started rising beyond a dull roar last night, Christopher Boffoli went out to the Me-Kwa-Mooks vicinity along Beach Drive in search of an early view. He reported only two meteors in 40 minutes – but great stargazing. (We noticed the latter even from our near-lots-of-streetlights Upper Fauntleroy porch.) Tonight, however, should be a different story. This is the night the annual Perseid meteor shower is peaking – maybe almost a meteor a minute, if you have a good view. Via Twitter, @martha_kang points us to this NASA link for the best information – they’re keeping watch at the space agency too. (Added: Links from Katie here and here – and from Mac here.) If you can stay up late enough, NASA suggests the best viewing is after midnight; let us know what you see, and from where! Or try this live feed which is linked from that NASA page – video AND audio:

10 Replies to "West Seattle Sky Watch: Meteor shower peaks tonight - see any?"

  • Jules August 12, 2010 (10:56 pm)

    How late is late enough? I don’t want to miss this!

    • WSB August 12, 2010 (11:01 pm)

      NASA says best after midnight, if you follow the link, and offers other advice. Good luck! – TR

  • LDH August 12, 2010 (11:12 pm)

    We’re in Fauntlee Hills we saw 10 or more in 50 minutes.

  • sam August 12, 2010 (11:31 pm)

    i havent seen one yet not even out side i live in Illinoi when can i see it best?

  • JLB August 13, 2010 (12:48 am)

    I saw two from the west side of Reno, NV

  • Prasanna August 13, 2010 (2:26 am)

    We went to RattleSnake, Exit 32 on I-90. Saw about 20-30 between 11:30-1:30

    However we left after 1:30, as the clouds were increasing… I really enjoyed the show in 2008, where i saw meteors 2 or more per min… was hoping something similar this year. Will try again tomorrow.

  • Lucky August 13, 2010 (3:15 am)

    I saw 6 or 7 between 1 and 3 am from my backyard in Greenwood, Seattle.

  • erik August 13, 2010 (7:16 am)

    I watched the meteor shower last night, together with a few friends and it was spectacular!

  • J August 13, 2010 (8:44 am)

    Seems like most of Seattle-area was up at Rattlesnake Lake last night. It’s an excellent viewing area considering its proximity to the city lights. It’s heartening that so many people are interested in looking up!

  • Dc August 13, 2010 (11:45 pm)

    Saw 3 down at Lincoln park around 1045 this evening. Amazing!!!

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