month : 07/2010 367 results

1-lane commute, day 1: Spokane Street Viaduct reaction

(“Live” eastbound West Seattle Bridge camera moved up to another story)
The first morning commute is in the books, kicking off up to six weeks with a key stretch of the eastbound Spokane Street Viaductt down to one lane, so the new 4th Avenue offramp can be connected. Commuters have been sharing their thoughts in a variety of ways, including this WSB comment thread, a discussion on the WSB Facebook page, and via Twitter. We asked SDOT for their take, and here’s what Marybeth Turner had to say:

With one eastbound lane closed on the Spokane Street Viaduct, we did observe backups this morning in traffic heading for the West Seattle Bridge. SDOT will continue to look for opportunities to make adjustments to traffic signals to improve the flow of traffic.

We expect there will be a period of adjustment while people get used to the viaduct lane closure and as more drivers use alternate routes. We hope that drivers understand that this six-week lane closure is an essential last step for the full opening of the new Fourth Avenue S off-ramp.

In an informal analysis of the reaction, what seemed to be most notable is that the backup lasted longer than the “normal” morning commute mess – a WSB team member had to head toward SODO for a 10 am appointment and reported it was still a slog; same thing tweeted by Rhonda from The Mortgage Porter (WSB sponsor). On the other hand, we have a few reports that it was better than usual in the very early going – Scott C sent a cameraphone photo around 5:15 am to that effect; this comment says 6:45 am was close to the usual speed. ADDED 12:10 PM: Here’s an e-mail report from longtime WSB’er Kevin McClintic, who saw it at two times during this morning’s drive – read on:Read More

Another Saturday option: Help rescue Fauntleroy Park from the ivy!

Another look ahead to the next big summer weekend – Saturday midday, Fauntleroy Park – another of West Seattle’s green treasures – needs some helping hands. Four of them are above, in the photo shared by Judy Pickens along with this preview:

Steve Hodson introduced his daughter, Georgia, to pulling English ivy when she was just a toddler. Now she’ll be joining her dad and park neighbors and users this coming Saturday in a major assault on the invasive vine in the southeast section of Fauntleroy Park. Steve, a long-time volunteer steward of the park, is coordinating with the Green Seattle Partnership and EarthCorps on the event. Meet at the 97th St. entrance to the park [map] at 9:45 AM and bring a lunch. Work until 2 PM or as long as you can. Contact Steve at

(Thanks to all the volunteers who are out in greenspaces around West Seattle every weekend (and often between weekends!) – previews about/reports on/photos from your work parties are always welcome; here’s where to send ’em.) 3:40 PM: See the comments for an update on the new meeting site for this work party.

West Seattle Tuesday: 3 special events, and 2 reminders

July 20, 2010 9:14 am
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THE REMINDERS: The West Seattle Crime Prevention Council is on hiatus till September, so no meeting tonight (though if you’re interested in south WS, the South Delridge-White Center Community Safety Coalition‘s next meeting is 6 pm Thursday at the DSHS building in WC). On a related note, it’s exactly two weeks till Night Out, neighborhood-building/crime-fighting block-party night all over the area – 6-10 pm August 3rd – sign up now so you’ll be cleared to shut down your street for the occasion! (and let us know if we can stop by).

THE SPECIAL EVENTS: As previewed here, West Seattle Hi-Yu Concert in the Park, featuring the WS Big Band and WS Volunteer Recognition Awards presentation, 7 pm (free!) on the Hiawatha Community Center east lawn … The new Alki Arts gallery/events space (here’s our story about its opening) is the site of the ChickChat networking/coaching event at 6 pm tonight (ticket info and other details here) … And the comedy show to raise money to fight Alzheimer’s, organized by West Seattleite Emily Meyer, is 8:30 tonight at Comedy Undergroundhere’s our preview with the detailsMore on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar!

West Seattle Crime Watch: What the big Delridge response was for

If you saw the sizable police response at Delridge/Brandon Monday night – several people e-mailed us about it – here’s what it was about, according to Southwest Precinct Lt. Ron Smith: One suspect was arrested after officers answered a disturbance call just after 8 pm, involving that suspect and a neighbor’s guest. During the disturbance, Lt. Smith says, “a knife was displayed, and the suspect began chasing the complainant’s cousin with a knife.” The suspect was eventually arrested for assault with a weapon; the knife had been thrown in the bushes just before officers arrived. Then police were called back to the scene just before 10 pm – the original complainant called to ask for help because, Lt. Smith said, “males associated with the suspect were hanging around and complainant was still having issues with them. Due to the nature of the original call, multiple units responded to ensure a peaceful resolution.”

West Seattle scene: First sunset of the week

Thanks to Mike B for sharing his Monday sunset photo – tonight (Tuesday) might be even better, if the forecast comes true. (Sounds perfect for the West Seattle Hi-Yu Concert in the Park, featuring the WS Big Band and WS Volunteer Recognition Awards presentation, 7 pm on Hiawatha’s east lawn along Walnut south of Lander – see you there!)

West Seattle Grand Parade this Saturday: First sneak peek

Seattle’s most famous clown, JP Patches – who was at the Westwood Village Street Fair in May (where Karen took the above photo) – is scheduled to be in the West Seattle Grand Parade (yes, the one many still call the Hi-Yu Parade) this Saturday (minus pugs). That’s part of what we can tell you after sitting in tonight on the parade-lineup session at American Legion Post 160, which puts on the annual event. Bill and Cynthia Reid from John L. Scott are bringing him to the parade as they’ve done in many years past. The lineup of more than 75 entries includes other traditional favorites – like the Seafair Pirates and Seattle All-City Band – will be there too; and for the first time in at least five years, according to parade co-coordinator Jim Edwards, the Daffodil Festival float will be up from Pierce County (but can it hold a candle to the award-winning West Seattle Hi-Yu float?). New this year: The Pacific Northwest Drumline. And this year, no matter where you are along the parade route (California/Lander to California/Edmunds) at the official 11 am start time, you should see something – the Rotary Club of West Seattle Kiddie Parade is scheduled to start from California/Genesee at 11 (instead of earlier as in years past; by the way, all kids welcome!) – by then, the Seattle Police Motorcycle Drill Team and Vancouver (B.C.) Police Motorcycle Drill Team will be at various points further north on the route, and then the rest of the parade will commence from California/Lander with the color guard right at 11, plus a U.S. Coast Guard flyover scheduled right over the California SW (if no emergencies call the chopper away) parade route. Grand Marshals this year: West Seattle-residing radio/online personalities Marty Riemer and Jodi Brothers. So what does it take for Jim, co-coordinator Dave Vague, and parade chair Walt DeLong to put the parade together? That’s part of our next parade preview tomorrow!

Happening now: Spokane Street Viaduct overnight EB closure

(12:01 pm Tuesday note – Live bridge-cam picture moved up to newer story in the lane closure)
ORIGINAL 10:39 PM REPORT: We’ve put up the “live” bridge cam tonight as a reminder that the eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct – the section of the West Seattle Bridge between 99 and I-5 (which doesn’t have a live cam, but this one will show any resulting backups) – is completely closed all night tonight, due to reopen by 5 am. The closure that was supposed to kick in at 9 pm hadn’t taken effect by 9:20 pm, when we went over to take a look, but it’s in place now, according to SlickPix Photography‘s David Rosen. When the road reopens, it will be only one lane wide eastbound between 1st and 4th Avenues, round the clock, for up to six weeks, while the new 4th Avenue offramp is connected to the existing outside lane. (Tonight’s detour details are here.)

Seattle Sounders FC player visiting West Seattle this week

July 19, 2010 10:08 pm
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 |   High Point | West Seattle news | WS & Sports

That photo’s from last Wednesday, when we checked in on the new weekly “learn to play soccer” series that High Point Community Center is presenting over at Commons Park – while Seattle Sounders Women midfielder Tafara Pulse was visiting. This week, HPCC’s Rebecca Hall tells us, Seattle Sounders FC defender Taylor Graham, #26, is the special guest, and, she says, “We’d like to invite everyone out to come play soccer that evening.” 6-7 pm Wednesday, free – Commons Park is right by High Point Neighborhood Center at Lanham/Morgan.

Also on your November ballot: County sales-tax-hike proposal

Add to your list of November ballot measures a King County proposal to raise the sales tax by two-tenths of one percent – that’s 2 extra cents on 10 dollars spent. The County Council says it’s now up to voters – raise the sales tax, or face cuts in criminal-justice services. Read on for their official announcement, to which we’ll be adding the county and city – cities get a share of the $ – reactions that are rolling into the inbox:Read More

West Seattle history mystery: Any clue what this was all about?

Local historian Paul Dorpat shares that photo of what’s believed to be a West Seattle scene – two women in furs, on the beach, sawing a log, many decades ago. It is from a new item on his website, in which he specifically asks WSB’ers for help:

I have just posted – proudly too – SEATTLE CONFIDENTIAL No.3, in hope that you and your gallant and curious readers will help identify it. Even as a mystery it is quite wonderful, but most likely it is a scene on Alki Beach.

Here’s the link to the item on his site. Any clue?

Centennial-celebrating West Seattle Library to close for roof work

This Saturday, the 100-year-old West Seattle (Admiral) Branch of the Seattle Public Library celebrates its centennial, and you’re invited – 1 to 3 pm. But then a few weeks later, starting in mid-August, it’ll close for roof work – SPL HQ just announced the timetable – read on for details:Read More

Race for the 34th: Candidate conversation – Marcee Stone

(EDITOR’S NOTE: With a week and a half till ballots are mailed for the August 17th primary, we’ve been taking a closer look at the candidates in two contested local races. Today, we conclude a weeklong series of stories about WSB conversations with the four contenders for 34th District State House, Position 2. Previously: Our report on Joe Fitzgibbon ran here); our report on Mike Heavey was here; and our Geoffrey “Mac” McElroy interview here.

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

She has the official Democratic Party nomination and the endorsement of the 34th District Democrats.

Marcee Stone also has something that Democratic legislative candidates in the 34th District (map) don’t usually have: Same-party challengers.

According to King County’s online election records, this is the first time in a decade that any 34th District legislative race has had more than one Democrat (in 2000, 2 Democrats challenged Dow Constantine in his winning State Senate campaign). But then again, it’s been pointed out, this is the first open seat in almost two decades. And until the “Top Two” primary system was implemented two years ago, there was no chance for two members of the same party to make it to general election.

Stone, a 57-year-old West Seattle resident, says it “means a lot” to voters when they hear she’s “the official Democratic candidate” – and when they hear about her “deep roots in the community.”

Read More

Tomorrow: Celebrate volunteers during Hi-Yu Concert in the Park

That’s our photo from last year’s West Seattle Hi-Yu Concert in the Park, featuring not only the fabulous West Seattle Big Band but also the official celebration of the first West Seattle Volunteer Recognition Award winners (WSB July 2009 coverage here). Another group was honored during the West Seattle Junction Tree Lighting last holiday season (WSB December 2009 coverage here), and now the third group of honorees will be celebrated tomorrow night, when it’s Hi-Yu Concert in the Park time again! BYO chairs/blankets to the east lawn at Hiawatha Community Center for great WSBB music and a chance to cheer/applaud superstar volunteers who help keep our community humming. If you missed the announcement last Thursday night, here’s the latest honoree list again:

Community award – Dennis Ross, longtime activist/advocate in the Admiral neighborhood

Youth award – Arthea and Ronda Barber, volunteers at Highland Park Elementary School

Environment award – Scott Blackstock, volunteer caretaker for Roxhill Bog/Park

Group award – Furry Faces Foundation, animal advocates and providers of compassionate assistance for animals’ human companions

The West Seattle Volunteer Recognition Awards are sponsored by the Delridge and Southwest District Councils and WSB, with nominations by YOU; nominees are reviewed, and winners chosen, by a group of reps from the district councils. Join us all at Hiawatha tomorrow night, 7 pm (the concert, as always, is free).

West Seattle schools: New principal for Hope Lutheran

Just learned from Hope Lutheran School board chair Mike Jensen that a new principal has been announced for Hope: Kristen Okabayashi is coming to Hope from Concordia Lutheran School in North Seattle, where she was Director of Preschool and Summer Enrichment Programs. And she’s already had experience with Hope – her four children are former students there. According to the announcement on the Hope Lutheran School website, Okabayashi starts on August 2nd.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglar(s) hit Zebra, Freshy’s

ORIGINAL 11:58 AM REPORT: This morning, we got an e-mail tip from Mike Heavey about a broken window at Zebra Print and Copy (35th and Fauntleroy) – police were just arriving as we got there, so while we were able to get photos, we were waiting to hear from them regarding what happened. But in the meantime, we have just heard from the business – Idris Noor at Zebra says it’s the second time they’ve been victimized this month:

I just wanted to let you guys know that our store Zebra Print and has been burglarized for the 2nd time this month. The first incident occurred on July 2, and the second one last night.

The first time they attempted to break in through the back door. They tried to pry the door open but were unsuccessful . They ended (up) smashing the front door and leaving.

Today’s break in was caused by a brick being thrown at the window and smashing it while also destroying our neon sign. They seemed to have walked around and looked for stuff but nothing seems to be missing except strangely our candy vending machines. Yes, candy vending machines!

A local ADT employee seems to be the first person to have noticed it this morning and called the police immediately. He also stated that there was another coffee shop in West Seattle that was broken into with their register taken.

We are really starting to worry about the safety of our store and also of our employees. I would like to ask everyone to stay vigilant at night and if anyone might have seen anything last night today or early in the morning going past our store to contact us or the police to let us know what they saw

We aren’t sure if the “coffee shop” case is actually the smash-grab at The Swinery that we reported last Friday; we’re checking with police on that too.

12:01 PM UPDATE: Right after publishing this, we got a reply to that, from Lt. Norm James, who confirms the coffee-shop mention – he says a window was broken at Freshy’s Coffee, triggering its alarm. (added) Layne confirms this in the comment section – saying the stolen register was recovered nearby.

Mayor, City Council president visiting Delridge soon

Two reminders: City Council President Richard Conlin is one of the guests scheduled for this week’s Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting, 7 pm Wednesday at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center; and Mayor Mike McGinn will be touring Delridge on August 7th. Neighborhood District Coordinator Ron Angeles has just announced new information about the mayoral tour – it’ll leave from the office where he’s based, Delridge Neighborhood Service Center (by the library), at 10 am on that day (a Saturday). Planned stops on the walking tour include Brandon Natural Area, Greg Davis Park, Cottage Grove Commons, and Delridge P-Patch – you’re welcome to meet the group and come along.

Not registered to vote? Today’s the deadline for most

July 19, 2010 9:04 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

Finishing up our next story about the August 17th primary, we’re reminded that today’s the deadline for most voter registration in King County, if you want to vote in this election – details here.

Tonight: Sustainable West Seattle’s buzzworthy forum

Those bees were part of GreenLife at Summer Fest, the West Seattle street festival’s first-ever sustainability/gardening expo, co-sponsored by Sustainable West Seattle. If you think beekeeping is only for the pros – not so – you can do it in your own backyard! How? Find out tonight, as SWS invites you to come learn more about beekeeping at its monthly community forum. 7 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle – more details on the Sustainable West Seattle website. (Wondering what else is up today/tonight? Check the WSB West Seattle Events calendar here.)

1 more warning: New Spokane Street Viaduct phase Monday night

This won’t affect your commute tomorrow – but if you use The Bridge eastbound, it probably will, starting Tuesday. After a complete overnight closure 9 pm Monday-5 am Tuesday, the eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct (between 1st and 4th Avenues) will be down to one lane for up to six weeks, around the clock, so the new 4th Ave. offramp can be connected to the existing roadway. Here’s the best explanation of what’ll be going on (including a reminder that the lower eastbound Spokane St. lanes are open in that same stretch).

West Seattle Garden Tour 2010: ‘Welcome to our jungle’

(WSB photos by Cliff DesPeaux)
During today’s West Seattle Garden Tour (co-sponsored by WSB), that sign outside the Morgan Junction garden dubbed “Treasures of Strange Origin” told visitors how the garden got started. We don’t know if 3-year-old Kieran Peterman of West Seattle could read it – somehow we suspect he didn’t need to:

Also in the Treasures of Strange Origin Garden, Jamie Murphy of West Seattle was surrounded by green:

Tourgoers admired the many attractions:

And owner Andrew Malcolm took a coffee break:

The garden was one of eight on this year’s WSGT. Visiting a sampling of them for WSB coverage, photojournalist Cliff DesPeaux discovered other small treasures, like these baby hummingbirds at the “Tree Lovers’ Garden” in Gatewood:

And a bird bath with toy boats at the “His and Hers, or Hers and His Garden” in Admiral:

And an irresistible rose in the “Master Composters’ Garden”:

From the personal experience, to the big group – standing-room-only for guest speaker Willi Galloway of, at the South Seattle Community College Arboretum:

She is an expert on what some call urban farming – growing your own food – even raising chickens in your back yard:

Back out in the gardens – the Master Composter’s Garden offered everyone a hand (or two):

Splashes of color delighted in spots like this one in His Hers, Hers His:

And after all, in the end, of course, there’s simply the beauty of the plants:

The West Seattle Garden Tour is a nonprofit event that raises money for local beneficiaries – this year, the ArtsWest Theater Education Program, the Duwamish Longhouse Rain Garden Wetlands, Highland Park Elementary School, Seattle Tilth, South Seattle Community College Arboretum.

Bike to work from West Seattle with Councilmember Rasmussen

The city’s new Walk/Bike/Ride campaign has issued a challenge: Spend five days commuting without cars. West Seattle resident Councilmember Tom Rasmussen plans to do it this week, and has an invitation for you:

This week several City Councilmembers and I will be participating in the “Walk Bike Ride Challenge” of Mayor McGinn. The goal is to convert two car trips per week to walking, biking or riding to shop, work or play. This is a great idea and sounds pretty easy to me.

If you would like to join me on my commute to work next week, meet me at Weather Watch Park at 4035 Beach Drive SW [map] at 7:00 a.m. [photo above shows the park & the councilmember’s bike] I will be riding my bike from that location each morning for the next five days unless something requires me to take the #37 bus instead.

I will be updating (my) blog ( with experiences from my commute trips. You can let me know by commenting (on that site) how you are participating by taking the challenge yourself. Here is where you can sign up and get more information:

Councilmember Rasmussen’s plan is particularly notable, given that he chairs the council’s Transportation Committee.

Tuesday night: Help a West Seattleite raise $ to fight Alzheimer’s

July 18, 2010 5:46 pm
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Last year, then-Seattle Lutheran High School senior Emily Meyer organized the “Remember This Benefit to raise money to fight Alzheimer’s – which killed her mom Betsy Meyer (shown with Emily at left, in a photo shared with us last year) way too early (the journey was chronicled by our partners at the Seattle Times). This week, Emily has another fundraiser in the works, to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association in memory of her mom, gone now for a year and a half: Tuesday night at Comedy Underground (109 S. Washington), hosted by Emily’s brother Alex Meyer. Here’s the lineup:

Dartanion London
Cory Michaelis
JR Berard
Jen Seaman
Andy Palmer
Barbara Holm

The show starts at 8:30 pm Tuesday (July 20), and tickets are just $10.

West Seattle Outdoor Movie #1 a hit; ‘War Games’ next

Not only was the centennial-celebrating courtyard by Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) wall-to-wall with West Seattle Outdoor Movies-goers by the time the preshow fun began, Hotwire’s Lora Lewis says a few dozen people had seats staked out by 5:30 (about three hours early). Covering the series extensively, and participating as a sponsor, for the past few years, we can declare the turnout for “Mamma Mia!” the biggest opening-night crowd ever, if not the biggest crowd ever. Raffle-ticket sales raised more than $250 for WestSide Baby – donated prizes included cards for beverages/food at Hotwire, Elliott Bay Brewery, and Pagliacci Pizza, as well as a Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) T-shirt. And then it was time to dance:

Therese from The Body Bar, one of the movie’s sponsors, isn’t in the shot, but she led the “dance party,” in the spirit of the night’s movie (a musical, if you’ve never seen it). The preshow shorts included a WC Fields classic:

The main feature started around dusk, 9 pm last night, but obviously that’ll get a bit earlier each of the next five weeks as the series continues, so our best advice is, come early (4400 California SW) and stake out a spot (BYO chairs/blankets). Next Saturday night, the movie is the ’80s classic “WarGames” – here’s the trailer:

That’ll be an ’80s-themed event (with a geek subtext, pocket protectors and all!) with sponsors including WSB, Skylark Café and Club (WSB sponsor), and Nicholson Kovalchick Architects. (You’ll likely see our favorite geeklet, aka Junior Member of the Team, assisting again with raffle-ticket-selling and raffle emceeing, though he prefers ties and vests rather than pocket protectors.) To review the full list of what’s ahead the next five Saturday nights – free! – go to the official WS Outdoor Movies site.