Tonight: Sustainable West Seattle’s buzzworthy forum

Those bees were part of GreenLife at Summer Fest, the West Seattle street festival’s first-ever sustainability/gardening expo, co-sponsored by Sustainable West Seattle. If you think beekeeping is only for the pros – not so – you can do it in your own backyard! How? Find out tonight, as SWS invites you to come learn more about beekeeping at its monthly community forum. 7 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle – more details on the Sustainable West Seattle website. (Wondering what else is up today/tonight? Check the WSB West Seattle Events calendar here.)

5 Replies to "Tonight: Sustainable West Seattle's buzzworthy forum"

  • brizone July 19, 2010 (11:44 am)

    PSBA will be selling HONEY at tonight’s meeting as well!

  • MLJ July 19, 2010 (12:39 pm)

    I’m cool with the chickens, and I know bees are disappearing, but do we really need to be increasing the urban bee population?
    I got stung repeatedly growing up and it sucked. Those with allergies are usually seriously affected.
    If my neighbor got into this I’m not sure if I’d be jumping up and down, unless of course there was a frickin’ bee in my shirt.

  • AJP July 19, 2010 (3:14 pm)

    Yes we do need to increase the bee population!! I haven’t seen a single bee in my garden at all this summer, all my flowering vegetables are having trouble pollinating. It’s very depressing. If you want to keep eating food, you want to increase the bee population, urban and otherwise!

  • What July 19, 2010 (5:42 pm)

    No Bee’s… no pollination.
    No pollination… No food.
    That’s the out come, No food… We need the bees.
    We also need fruit bats… they also pollinate.

  • Cass Nevada July 22, 2010 (7:21 am)

    I am also missing bees this year–we’re lucky to have a dozen on a sunny day, but most days literally three or four are buzzing around. Our veg and flowers are all dressed up and ready for action…but no buzz. sigh.

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