Fauntleroy Community Assoc.: RapidRide, pump station updates

From last night’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting: FCA is continuing to pressure Metro to address concerns about the plan for the RapidRide bus stops at (and across from) the Fauntleroy ferry terminal. Last month, the group got its first look at 60-percent-complete design for the stops, which bring Fauntleroy Way down to one lane each way by the terminal, leading to traffic concerns, including big backups behind stopped buses. FCA has sent King County Executive Dow Constantine a letter describing the design as “unacceptable,” but president Bruce Butterfield said last night that nothing’s come of the letter yet. FCA’s Susan Lantz-Dey, who’s on a RapidRide advisory committee, says the next step is to start a working group with local residents, Metro, and SDOT. No date/place for meetings is set yet. The night’s other major topic: Future upgrade work at the Barton Pump Station on the north side of the ferry dock – read on for that:

Martha Tuttle from the King County Wastewater Treatment Division was at the meeting to brief FCA board members on how the Barton upgrade will affect Cove Park, the pocket park that’s also on the dock’s north side. The construction is scheduled to start in 2012 and last about two and a half years, during which time it’ll be tough to access the park. (Some related electrical work will be done early next year.) Tuttle says one of the results will be to separate the entrances to the pump station and park. We have a request out for copies of the drawings and other materials that were shown last night – they’re not on the project website – and will add those when they come in.

One other KCWT topic – another meeting is planned in relation to the Barton-station-related Combined Sewer Overflow-reduction process, which so far has not involved as much community controversy as the Murray process on the other side of Lincoln Park. Tuttle says they haven’t received much comment about the “green stormwater infrastructure” option for CSO reduction – which would involve “roadside rain gardens” in a section of the basin that feeds into Barton (see county graphic above) – so they’re going to have a meeting specifically about it. (One of the effects would be a reduction in on-street parking.) The date’s set for August 5th, more details to come shortly. The area potentially affected by this project is between Othello and Barton, 30th and 34th.

The Fauntleroy Community Association board meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7 pm, The Hall at Fauntleroy (in the old schoolhouse); information is online at fauntleroy.net.

7 Replies to "Fauntleroy Community Assoc.: RapidRide, pump station updates"

  • Jim July 14, 2010 (11:47 am)

    The way rapid ride stays rapid is by spacing the stops 1/2 mile a part, and pushing the bus stops out into the traffic lane. When the bus stops, everybody stops…

  • GR July 14, 2010 (12:10 pm)

    The community should be more concerned that Martha Tuttle is coming to town. The pump street project will be incredibly disruptive and they will take there sweet time at 2.5 years.

  • Jiggers July 14, 2010 (12:28 pm)

    What a joke this will be. The roads in W.S. can’t handle anymore congestion. It’s at its peaking point. The monorail was the answer.

  • Carrie Ann July 14, 2010 (2:25 pm)

    Off-topic: When the page first loaded, at first glance, I thought that was the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile!

  • Jim July 14, 2010 (3:42 pm)

    Love the photo at the rapid ride link above, looking Northwest over the Spokane street high level bridge and calling it “an aerial view of the Alaskan Way viaduct”. And these are the folks that desigh our transit routes?

  • allison July 15, 2010 (2:37 pm)

    West Seattle NEEDS Rapid Ride, this is not meant to increase congestion it is meant to DECREASE congestion by essentially getting hundreds of cars off the road by getting all the people riding this wiener mobile out of their car. Also it will decrease congestion because it doesn’t stop every block like the current buses.

    overall great idea i just hope all these “meetings” don’t push back the process

  • Mickymse July 15, 2010 (4:43 pm)

    @ Jim, Well… if riders followed THE LAW and yielded to buses signaling to return to traffic flow, then there wouldn’t be a need to build curb bulbs everywhere.

Sorry, comment time is over.