Also happening now: West Seattle Edible Garden Tour

(Photos by Christopher Boffoli)
Also under way now and continuing till 4 – still time to get your ticket and map and go see the gardens – the 3rd annual West Seattle Edible Garden Tour, raising money for Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle. The photo’s from a Gatewood garden that’s among the stops on the tour. More photos later.

ADDED: In hats, Shawn and Amy Carlson showed off their garden:

From Urban Land Army, Sandy Pederson‘s garden, where you’ll find 28 varieties of heirloom tomatoes.

And next, Lisa Hlavsa, with son Ben (right) in their garden during the tour:

Community Harvest has much more going on, pretty much year-round. Drop-in gardening on Thursday nights, and lots more. Keep in touch at (And you can find out more about sustainability – including edible gardening – again today during West Seattle Summer Fest, at the GreenLife zone, on the west side of California SW just north of Edmunds.)

1 Reply to "Also happening now: West Seattle Edible Garden Tour"

  • MargL July 10, 2010 (7:14 pm)

    Thank you so much to the folks who shared their gardens with us today! Had a lot of fun touring them all!

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