(Photo by David Hutchinson, taken during Sunday’s ever-changing weather)
Among tonight’s highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar: It’s College Night at South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor), your chance to find out anything you want to know – from its “career-ready programs” to its partner programs in which you can finish a four-year degree on campus to college prep. 5:30-7:30 pm in Brockey Center (here’s a campus map). … The West Seattle Blockwatch Captains’ Network meets for the second time, 6:30 pm at Southwest Precinct (Facebook event page here, and here’s a map to the precinct); this new group is working to promote communication and cooperation between neighborhoods, toward the goal of a safer, stronger West Seattle … The final closure plan for the South Park Bridge – what will happen after it shuts down June 30th, from bus routes to business support – starts at 6 pm at the IAM Local 751 Hall in SP (full details here, and here’s a map) … And regular Tuesday night diversions are on the calendar too, including open turntables at Skylark Café and Club at 6 pm (see the calendar here) and rock trivia at Feedback Lounge at 8 pm (both establishments are WSB sponsors). The full calendar’s here.