Ready to ride: West Seattleite about to pedal cross-country

This Friday – which also happens to be Bike To Work Day in our area – West Seattleite Coree Pelko (photo right) will be in the Bay Area to hit the road for a fundraising crosscountry bicycling trip, the Sea To Shining Sea ride to help disabled veterans. Coree happens to be in active service right now. And her trip now has a double purpose – as a shipmate who was supposed to ride with her, cannot. Here’s the story she shared:

I am active duty in the United States Coast Guard and I am embarking on a Cross Country Bicycle Ride with the non-profit organization World Team Sports. They are one of the largest Non-Profits for Disabled American Vets. They help Disabled Vets achieve feats that able-bodied citizens only dream of. I am riding to represent the US Coast Guard, Seattle & My dear friend David Moulton (Also Coast Guard) but who cannot ride as a result of unforeseen circumstances with his health that arose.

She explains, after the jump – and we also have a link you can use to support the ride:

On May 7th David was Med-flighted to Miami in critical condition after seeking medical treatment for chest pains. As it turned out David has Multiple Pulmonary Embolisms in both lungs and remained in their care for nearly a week. His diagnosis is an unknown type of Hyper-Coagulant Blood Disorder. There seems to be no real explanation as to why this happened but until he is feeling much better and further testing can be completed, he will need to stay in the vicinity of a critical care facility. David is my shipmate; A shipmate is someone who is always there for you, even in the midst of chaos. Once a shipmate, always a shipmate and that is why I have chosen to dedicate my ride to him. Participating in this ride meant so much to David, especially after participating in the Faces of America ride and meeting many of the teammates who will be riding with me.

I hope that you will help support David as I ride for him and also support all of the amazing athletes participating on this ride as well as World Team Sports for affording this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Here’s the link to the page where you can support her ride, and her friend. We asked her how he’s doing; he had been based in Key West but has had to pack up and relocate to the USCG station in Miami so he can be closer to potential critical care, but she is hoping to see him in Virginia Beach, at the end of her ride.

3 Replies to "Ready to ride: West Seattleite about to pedal cross-country"

  • CurlyQ May 19, 2010 (11:45 am)

    Coree is a hero twice over now. I admire and appreciate her commitment to her friend and this ride. She is bringing much-needed attention to our disabled veterans. To all us lefty liberal peaceniks here in Seattle (I count myself as one of them), it’s possible to be pro-peace and pro-veteran. This Memorial Day, please remember those who have died, as well as their loved ones, even if it’s just a moment of silence. And please pray for peace!!!

  • Bikejuju May 19, 2010 (12:29 pm)

    Coree I wish you speed and safety on your ride. May the wind be at your back.

  • Kelly K May 19, 2010 (7:50 pm)

    Here, here!

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