Illegal dumping alert: Trimmings tossed in Westwood alley

It might not be as glaring as a load of trash or old furniture, but it’s illegal dumping just the same, and Dave wonders if it might have been your yard debris that wound up in his alley, maybe without your knowledge:

On Tuesday morning, May 11, I discovered a pile of tree / bush trimmings blocking our alley. The guilty party had the debris tied with a long rope and tied the other end to a utility pole. Driving off quickly pulled the mess off the truck and onto the ground. I had to quickly move everything to the side as garbage and etc. trucks were due Wednesday. This was way more than a pickup truck load. The pile was almost six feet high.

If anyone paid to have bushes trimmed on Tuesday, see the pictures …

This occurred in the alley between 32nd and 34th Avenues SW with Cloverdale on the North and Trenton on the South (there is no 33rd Ave).

7 Replies to "Illegal dumping alert: Trimmings tossed in Westwood alley"

  • Kelly K May 13, 2010 (9:19 pm)

    The alley behind our house (very close by) is a favorite spot for dumpers. It’s been going on for over 5 years–yard waste, lots of broken glass, a broken boat trailer, all kinds of crap. Can we install a camera or something?

  • Diana May 13, 2010 (9:46 pm)

    A homeowner could have done this but I doubt it. This is the sort of thing that a fly-by-night “I’ll give you a good deal” landscaper/tree pruner/gardener/ would do. We all pay for it one way or another. Know who you hire, and check them out!

  • Eddie May 14, 2010 (7:04 am)

    Would love to have a picture posted of that pickup truck with a pulled down a utility pole on its roof after such a stunt. It has “American Graffiti” written all over it.

    • WSB May 14, 2010 (7:32 am)

      If the truck was caught in the act, they didn’t send that pic. These two are everything we received.

  • Aa May 14, 2010 (12:52 pm)

    Saw an older (red/burgundy?) truck being loaded with trimmings on Marine Ave SW. Looks like the same sort of tree branches, but there weren’t that many on the truck when I saw it.

  • brizone May 14, 2010 (1:46 pm)

    Looks suspiciously like the same type and amount of tree trimmings from 6751 34th Ave SW that were initially dumped next door on the neighbor’s lot, then finally cleared out this week on Monday afternoon. They had a huge white truck with a black bed, filled to overflowing.
    Somebody is in the process of flipping a foreclosed house there… Go down the alley between 34th & 35th from Willow. Look at the third property down on the East side. The trees that were topped are on the North lot line, you can’t miss ’em…
    (btw, WSB, can you pass this back to Dave? ty)

  • Dave May 14, 2010 (7:36 pm)

    Thanks for the tip. I visited the property in question and spoke to a neighbor. The truck you described was out front.
    I now have information and pictures for future reference. I have a contact at SPD who may be of help.

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