West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
On this second-to-last night of our Disaster Preparedness Month coverage: Feeling overwhelmed by all the advice and exhortations, knowing there is so much you need to do, but not knowing where to start? Here’s help. Morgan Junction preparedness volunteer (and emergency responder when wearing his professional hat) Ron Zuber shares a calendar created by the Santa Rosa (California) Fire Department, but NOT specific to that locale – every step is absolutely applicable here (among many other places). It is a week-by-week calendar that offers several steps you can take EACH WEEK – at your leisure during that week – for six months. Print it out, put it on the fridge, check off the steps as you take them; every bit of progress you make is progress toward making sure you and your loved ones could make it through a disaster. HERE’S THE DOWNLOAD (Word doc). Meantime, those other regular reminders – tons of resources online at West Seattle Be Prepared, including the map to West Seattle’s Emergency Communication Hubs (memorize yours!); take the extra online step and join the Facebook group that’s part of West Seattle Be Prepared; plus – there’s still time to get in on the “prize pack” for the city’s 3 to Get Ready campaign (sponsoring WSB as part of Disaster Preparedness Month). Again, don’t get overwhelmed – every small step you take, means you’re more prepared than you were before.
The full, long story will take a while to write, so for now, a few toplines from tonight’s High Point community meeting, organized by the High Point Neighborhood Association to discuss safety concerns in the aftermath of last Friday’s stabbing: Overflow crowd (photo shows a corner at the front of the big meeting room) at High Point Neighborhood Center, with HPNA leaders up front along with Southwest Precinct top leadership and Seattle Housing Authority reps. … The nearby assault that sent a 16-year-old boy to the hospital 2 hours earlier was a topic of discussion too – he was said to be Somali, and his injuries were described as serious … Asked why the suspect in last Friday’s attack was not charged with a hate crime, police explained that the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office makes the final decision, but so far, they said, their investigation had not turned up evidence it was a hate crime … SHA management acknowledged there are “tensions” between groups of teenagers and promised more programs at the center and in nearby Commons Park in time for summer … A long line of people spoke at the meeting, with many different perspectives: Some criticized HP management. Some criticized police; some complimented them. Some criticized troublemakers’ parents. Others challenged HP residents to get to know each other better. … Now, a note that was NOT discussed at the meeting, because of its length (2 1/2 hours) and intensity: HPNA president Jennifer Cobb just sent word of the announcement they forgot to make as the meeting wrapped up:
We are collecting donations for the woman who was attacked. Make checks payable to the High Point Neighborhood Association and drop off at the High Point Center or mail to HPNA – 6400 SW Sylvan Way/Seattle, WA 98126 by Friday, May 14th.
As we’ve reported, the 40-year-old victim is home now; the 22-year-old suspect is charged with first-degree assault, jailed in lieu of $1 million bail, and scheduled for arraignment in two weeks. Again, our full story on tonight’s meeting is in the works.
Lists courtesy of Square One Books
Looking for something to read, and/or wondering what’s hot? Every week, courtesy of Gretchen Montgomery @ Square One Books (WSB sponsor), we bring you her independent West Seattle bookstore’s 5 best-sellers in each of 4 key categories:
1. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
2. The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama by David Remnick
3. In the Green Kitchen by Alice Waters
4. The Mapping of Love and Death by Jacqueline Winspear
5. Changes by Jim ButcherPaperback:
1. The Stieg Larsson Mysteries by Siieg Larsson
2. Guernica by Dave Boling (who read at Southwest Library tonight)
3. The Girls From Ames by Jeffrey Zaslow
4. The Secret Son by Laila Lalami
5. Every Man Dies Alone by Hans FalladaChildren/Young Adult:
1. Savvy by Ingrid Law
2. Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman
3. The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger
4. How to Train Your Dragon Series by Cressida Cowell
5. The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary by Jeff KinneyTeen:
1. Whisper by Phoebe Kitandis (West Seattle’s Very Own Author!)
2. Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green
3. The Cirque du Freak Series by Darren Shan
4. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
5. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
Three meetings of interest to mention tonight – two just announced today: The Seattle Parks Board will get its next briefing on the budget situation during its meeting at 6:30 pm May 13, Parks HQ (100 Dexter N.) downtown. The briefing is expected to include information on the midyear reduction the department will be asked to make, as well as the outlook for next year. (We covered the board’s briefing from Parks’ finance boss a month ago.) Also announced today, the date for the West Seattle Triangle parking discussion, promised by city planner Susan McLain during the first Triangle Advisory Group meeting. She says SDOT will host a meeting to talk about Triangle parking at 6 pm May 20th, Senior Center of West Seattle. That’s also the location of the full group’s next meeting, 6 pm May 12th. (If you lose track of all this, don’t worry, it’ll all be in the WSB West Seattle Events calendar.) By the way, the potential “streetscape” options shown at the last advisory group meeting two weeks ago are all linked from this city webpage now – labeled as “parking options.”
(WSB cameraphone photo added 4:33 pm)
FIRST REPORT AT 3:58 PM: Thanks for the tips on the “multiple medic response/14” at Lanham/Morgan – which usually means an incident with multiple victims. On our way. 4:10 PM UPDATE: Police at the scene referred us to the SPD Media Unit, which tells us they received a report of an assault about half an hour ago. A 16-year-old boy had been assaulted at a basketball court by the High Point Neighborhood Center/Commons Park; “a large crowd had gathered, was not being cooperative with officers,” Officer Renee Witt says. They are still looking for the suspect, who was said to have punched the victim and then walked away; only description, a red shirt. Despite the Medic 14 dispatch, Officer Witt says only one victim is reported – but she also stresses, this is “very preliminary information.” (Neighborhood Center will be the scene of a community meeting coming up at 6 pm, to discuss last week’s stabbing nearby; police were invited, as well as neighborhood leaders and community members.) ADDED 4:20 PM: Seattle Fire spokesperson Helen Fitzpatrick confirms only one patient was transported to the hospital, but doesn’t have any condition info. The scene is mostly clear now.
Eight days after a contentious crowd (WSB story here) asked the King County Wastewater Treatment Division to extend the public process in deciding what to build to reduce Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) at Lowman Beach‘s Murray Pump Station, there’s no indication yet that will happen. So one neighbor has set up a legal fund. Linda Ann Cox e-mailed to announce the fund, saying “I am not convinced that anything will happen unless we can take legal action and MAKE the government stop and listen to the community.” She started the fund with $100, but says they need at least $1,000 to get something going. Community members have voiced displeasure with all three options (detailed here) that the county is evaluating regarding CSO control; all involve underground storage, with some above-ground components: The two least-popular would involve burying a storage tank by either digging up much of Lowman Beach Park, including its tennis court and century-old trees – “restoration” is promised if that is chosen – or forcing residents to leave homes/apartments across the street from the park. Cox says the account is at US Bank and it’s called “Save Lowman Beach Park.” Contributions can be made at US Bank branches or by mailing her a check payable to the fund name, 6523 California Ave SW #228, Seattle, WA 98136. Meantime, we have a message out to KCWTD to ask about the results of their “discussions back at the office” (as explained last week) regarding more public meetings, and will add any update we get here. (Also, the West Seattle Sound Angels website set up by park neighbor Dr. Ron Sterling continues to track community advocacy and information-seeking.) 3:25 PM UPDATE: Just got a call back from KCWTD’s Martha Tuttle. She says there WILL be another community meeting to discuss the data that neighbors have been requesting regarding all the potential CSO-control alternatives, including the ones that were ruled out. No date or location set yet; she says that should be announced next week. FRIDAY MORNING UPDATE: Thanks to Amanda for forwarding e-mail sent by the county to its list for those interested in not only the Murray CSO project but also Barton (by the Fauntleroy ferry dock) and two others in the north end – the public comment period has been extended to May 14. The comment form is here.
We stopped by West Seattle Produce at 4755 Fauntleroy to check out a WSB’er’s e-mail report that they were planning to soft-open tomorrow. Not only did we confirm that’s true, we also got a tour from co-owner Mike Cairns, working hard to put the finishing touches on the new business. Some changes since we brought you first word of their plans a month ago – at the time, they were going to use the name Pike Place Produce, but now it’s West Seattle Produce. Read on for the newest details about what they’re planning, and a look at some of the antique touches they’re using to add “fun” to the operation:Read More
From last night’s Highland Park Action Committee meeting: Urban gardening was in the spotlight, and Aviva from Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle (photo right) spoke to the group. She talked about CHoSS’s origins, with local fruit-tree gleaning, which gathered more than three tons of fruit for the White Center Food Bank last year. Now the organization’s added many other activities, including classes over the next few months, training gardeners to go out and work with neighbors over the summer to get more gardens started. The Edible Garden Tour‘s on the schedule again this year; Aviva says 4 gardens are signed up and they’re looking for more. You can contact Aviva through the CHoSS website at gleanit.org … ALSO AT HPAC: SDOT will soon start surveying traffic on the east leg of SW Holden in Highland Park (map); HPAC has requested traffic calming in the area and the survey is the next step … HPAC chair Dan Mullins recapped Saturday’s meeting about the West Seattle (Westcrest) Reservoir Park project (the three design concepts are now posted on the project webpage); Kay Kirkpatrick and Monica Cavagnero talked about kinetic-sculpture artist David Boyer, who’s been chosen for the “1% for Art” feature at the site … And it was reported that last Saturday’s Highland Park Improvement Club wine event was a big hit.
Highland Park Action Committee meets the 4th Wednesday of each month, 7 pm, preceded by potluck/mingling, at the historic Highland Park Improvement Club building.
Busy day/night: Events this morning include Seattle School Board member Steve Sundquist holding a community chat, West Seattle (Admiral) Library, 10 am, and the West Seattle Democratic Women‘s monthly meeting at West Seattle Golf Course‘s banquet room, with guests including State Sen. Joe McDermott – registration at 11:15 am, RSVPs were due yesterday but you can try 935-3216 ASAP to see if there’s room … 5 West Seattle restaurants are participating in Dining Out for Life/Seattle (here’s the list along with info on whether they’re donating part of lunch proceeds, dinner proceeds, or both) … Tonight’s events are topped by the High Point Neighborhood Association‘s community meeting (6 pm, High Point Neighborhood Center) in the wake of last Friday’s attack on a local woman; HPNA plans to announce how the community can help her … West Seattle-founded Northwest Hope and Healing, which helps breast-cancer patients around the region, raises money with its Style ’10 fashion show at Showbox SODO tonight (tickets still available online; several West Seattle boutiques participating; photo from Style ’08) … “Guernica” author Dave Boling reads and sells books at Southwest Branch Library 6:30 tonight, co-sponsored by Square One Books (WSB sponsor) … If you’ve got a daughter 8+, a special talk about puberty is set for 7 tonight at Southwest Community Center … 6 pm, Pathfinder K-8 has its Health Fair (and PTSA meeting).
We did not get to Beacon Hill last night for the first City Council/Mayor public hearing on the city budget, but monitored more than an hour and a half of testimony via a live stream (which ended before the hearing did). Most of it focused on citizens’ pleas to spare Seattle Parks facilities and programs from the deep cuts that have been rumored, and warned of, as city departments face “midyear” cuts shortly, as well as the plan for next year’s budget. One of the most impassioned voices was that of Alki’s Jackie Ramels – prefacing her remarks by noting she was speaking as a private citizen and not in her role as chair of the Seattle Parks Board – all but telling the council and mayor they had no right to even think about slashing parks, given how much public support they have: “How can you even think about closing parks and community centers, when the public has approved parks levies time and time again? The public gives and gives and gives, and the electeds take and take and take. … Fund parks, fully, now.” The image above, by the way, is our screen grab from the aforementioned live feed; Ramels tells WSB she got the EPIC FAIL T-shirt specifically for the occasion. (She also provided the crowd shot we used above.) Liesa Rose from Alki Community Center‘s Advisory Council spoke of the value of Parks programs such as after-school care, saying she could not work if there wasn’t someplace safe, affordable and convenient –
the community center is adjacent to Alki Elementary – for her child to go. West Seattle’s Bruce Bentley (screen-grab image at right), on the board of the Associated Recreation Council that runs many programs at Parks facilities, said its revenue is $11 million, more than it’s ever been, because of the value citizens find: “We touch so many different lives across this process.” If you could not be at this hearing, another one is set for May 5 in North Seattle – details on the City Council’s page – where you’ll find council contact info (mayor contact info here) – even more budget info on the Budget Committee‘s page. Side note: We haven’t seen a comprehensive article about last night’s hearing from any regional-news sites yet, but will add a link if/when we do.
One other Parks note, in case you hadn’t already heard: Deputy Superintendent Christopher Williams was named Acting Superintendent on Wednesday, two days after Superintendent Tim Gallagher announced he’s resigning. Delridge Neighborhood Services Coordinator Ron Angeles, when forwarding this announcement to his mailing list, pointed out that Williams is a graduate of Chief Sealth High School (as noted in the last line of the official city news release about the appointment).
Sent in by Mary:
* National Day of Prayer Rally *
The community is invited to a Prayer Rally @ The Statue of Liberty on Beach. 61st Ave. and Alki Ave. on ‘The National Day of Prayer’ May 6th – 6:30 PM.
This event is sponsored by West Seattle Ministerial Association and will include participation from 10 local churches, including… the ‘Worship Team’ from Freedom Church of Seattle, the ‘Righteous Praise Dance Team’ from Shorewood Christian School, and a brief message from Pastor Joe Turner of Shorewood Foursquare .
All are welcome!