Happening now: Designing the park @ West Seattle Reservoir

BIG crowd at Southwest Community Center right now for the second meeting to help figure out what the future park atop West Seattle Reservoir (adjacent to Westcrest Park in Highland Park) will look like. At least 100 people here; meeting leaders asked for a show of hands to help classify who’s here and why – dozens raised their hands when asked who’s here to advocate for Frisbee golf at the future park, which is being created because the reservoir’s being covered. At least a third of the people here also raised their hands when asked who lives in walking distance of the park; we see Highland Park community advocates here as well as leaders from other eastern West Seattle neighborhoods including Westwood and Pigeon Point. The meeting continues till noon; participants are currently discussing, at tables with maps and Sharpies, what they’d sketch out for the park. Project manager Susanne Friedman from the Parks Department says the final two design meetings are likely to be scheduled for late April and late June. 12:31 PM: Meeting has wrapped up. Crowd voted for the next meeting to be on a Saturday morning again – Parks says the date will be the last or second-to-last Saturday in April. As for all the ideas offered – separate story to come later.

2 Replies to "Happening now: Designing the park @ West Seattle Reservoir"

  • Tuffi Dolan February 7, 2010 (1:19 pm)

    Loved the meeting, and I counted at least 50 disc golfers in attendance! :)

    Great presentations by all – and I hope to see you all again.


  • Thomas Little February 7, 2010 (9:19 pm)

    The amount of disc golfers in the audience was huge, it shows how dedicated we all are to the sport and the type of community we have built.

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