(Marcee Stone, left, and 34th DDs chair Tim Nuse; photo by Dina Johnson)
The biggest news from Wednesday night’s 34th District Democrats meeting – the group’s State Committeewoman, campaign-reform advocate Marcee Stone, announced she is running for the State House seat currently held by Rep. Sharon Nelson (who has said she’ll run for the State Senate seat that Sen. Joe McDermott would leave if elected to County Council this fall). Stone talked about her local roots, including growing up in White Center and attending the University of Washington, and about her campaign pledge, which you can read here, as linked from a new writeup on the 34th DDs site. (Her announcement comes days after Triangle Pub‘s “Mac” McElroy declared he’s running for the seat as an independent.) Another big announcement: Seattle’s Congressman Jim McDermott will lead a community meeting in West Seattle on February 18, 7 pm at Youngstown Arts Center (that’s two days before the current 34th District legislative lineup presides over the Town Hall noted here). Other notes from the meeting, including a new push for extra school money from the feds, ahead:
Lisa MacFarlane from the League of Education Voters and Glenn Bafia from the Washington Education Association talked about the state’s pursuit of Race to the Top money from the federal government. They say a grant could bring the state up to $200 million to help failing schools, as well as improving assessments and data systems. Only 20 states will get funding, they said, but about double that many are seeking it.
Speaking of money, the 34th DDs passed a “resolution on raising state revenues to avoid devastating cuts to essential services.” The resolution asks legislators to “repeal under-performing tax exemptions” and “implement a state income tax on high-income earners.”
One more note: No precinct caucuses this year; there will be a district-wide caucus, currently set for March 14th, location TBA.
The 34th District Democrats meet the second Wednesday of each month, 7 pm, The Hall at Fauntleroy.