West Seattle sports: Little League and YMCA soccer signups

Two announcements to share this afternoon – first, from West Seattle Little League:

Grab your glove – It’s time to register for Little League! In-person registrations will be held on Tuesday, Jan 12th (in the Library) and Tuesday, Jan 19th (Room 212) – 6-9 pm at West Seattle High School. West Seattle Little League teaches not only baseball, but lessons learned through teamwork, dedication and pride. Divisions include T-ball, Coach-Pitch, Minors, Majors, Juniors and Seniors. T-ball through Majors play most games at Bar-S Fields, at 6464 SW Admiral Way . For registration forms, payment and more information, go to westseattlelittleleague.com

WSLL is for ages 5-18, says webmaster Cami MacNamara. Meantime, it’s also registration time for these West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) sports:

Adult Basketball 4v4 League Starts Feb 21 – Register Today!

Youth Indoor Soccer – Ages 3-11 – Registration Opens Thursday, January 7, 2010

Register on-line at www.westseattleymca.org or in person at the West Seattle YMCA or Fauntleroy YMCA

Practices start week of February 22nd
Games start weekend of March 6th
Season ends April 25th

The Y is also looking for coaches; if you’re interested, contact Matt Schlede at 206-937-1000 or mschlede@seattleymca.org. ADDED 5:37 PM: Direct link to soccer info on the Y site is here. Also, a comment on Facebook (“friend” us at WS Blog) pointed out that West Seattle Pee Wee is registering now too; here’s the link.

5 Replies to "West Seattle sports: Little League and YMCA soccer signups"

  • Cami January 5, 2010 (1:55 pm)

    Thanks so much, Tracy!

    For those that are registering, we have new forms this year for the Zackery Lystedt Law regarding concussions. Please visit our registration page for more details!

  • RobertSeattle January 5, 2010 (3:20 pm)

    There’s also Arena Sports on 99 in SODO. Their current winter soccer session started a couple of weeks ago but I think they pro-rate for late sign-ups.

  • Michelle January 5, 2010 (5:20 pm)

    Went to the WS Y page. Couldn’t seem to find soccer as a choice. Maybe it is not up yet?

    • WSB January 5, 2010 (5:34 pm)

      Just rooted around and found this. Scroll almost to the end of the page – the flyer link has all the extra info that came with the announcement but was too long to include – thanks for mentioning it, I will add this link to the announcement so others can find it easily ! – TR

  • Matt January 7, 2010 (11:08 am)

    Also, YMCA t-ball/baseball registrations open March 11. Season is Apr 26 – June 26.

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