If you’re seeing smoke near The Bridge – it’s a truck fire in the 3200 block of 16th SW on Harbor Island (map). Heavy black smoke, as you can see in the cameraphone photo we just received (thanks!). 11:59 AM UPDATE: Via Twitter, @brucecmoore says the smoke’s turned white, so firefighters are getting a handle on it fast. No report of injuries so far. Thanks also to everyone who’s e-mailed reports on this. 12:07 PM UPDATE: Zach sent photos from Pier 56 across the bay:

There are some traffic effects too – @romabit tweets that they’re stuck on Harbor Island. 12:57 PM UPDATE: We can confirm firsthand that at least one path off the island is still blocked by police – the fire scene is under an elevated ramp – here’s what’s left of the truck (the cab in particular was incinerated, but scanner traffic indicated the driver got out OK):

1:33 PM UPDATE: Thanks to Jesse Doerr for a clearer photo of the scene.

Jesse also reports:
Witnesses on the scene say that the truck collided with one of the supports of the overpass onto Harbor Island and caught fire. The driver got out safely and seems to only have minor injuries to his hand. Quite a big fire though, the flames were coming up under the road and visible on top shooting up around both sides.
Traffic on Harbor Island is just now loosening up, as police found a way to route around the fire-aftermath scene.