West Seattle Crime Watch: The box-of-beans candy caper

Belvidere resident Jocie P says a package was stolen from her front door, and the thief won’t need to go trick-or-treating:

FedEx delivered a large box to my home last week when I was away. If you noticed anybody with a large, white box with red Jelly Belly lettering on or near 35th Avenue SW sometime last week, please let me know. The thief would have a huge stash of free candy – more than one thief can eat. Hey candy thief – thanks for ruining Halloween, now I have to hand out substandard candy.

There will be a reward if the candy thief is caught. Yes, you guessed it – CANDY! Lots and lots of candy.

Hey, WSBers brought home a stolen bike – so maybe someone’s seen the beans.

13 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: The box-of-beans candy caper"

  • onceachef October 29, 2009 (11:47 am)

    I think I saw Jillian from “Biggest Loser” running around with a box like that! :)

  • Doc October 29, 2009 (12:24 pm)

    Well on a high point, the more beans that the theif eats, the slower and easier he will be to catch :)

  • Bruce W October 29, 2009 (12:28 pm)

    Just look for anyone on a sugar high

  • SomeGuy October 29, 2009 (1:16 pm)

    On 37th I saw a large bear wearing a fedora, trailed by a smaller bear, and thought I heard something about a “pick-a-nick basket”?

  • glendafrench October 29, 2009 (2:11 pm)

    If they were “Beanboozled” beans, that might make quite the surprise for the thief!

  • WMF October 29, 2009 (2:55 pm)

    That’s a bummer. Thank the victim for trying to get some decent candy to the kids though… getting Jelly Bellies is almost as rad as getting a whole Twinkie on Halloween…

  • Marty October 29, 2009 (3:55 pm)

    I hope he loses a filling!

  • mark October 29, 2009 (4:35 pm)

    If they were Cherry I know who the first suspect would be…..me!

  • Amanda October 29, 2009 (5:58 pm)

    Note to the Jelly Belly company… don’t put your logo on your shipping boxes ;)

  • Lorelee October 29, 2009 (7:00 pm)

    lame. We our uncarved pumpkins were stolen off our from our porch (44 & hinds). Is there such a thing as a Halloween scrooge?

  • Jtk October 29, 2009 (10:51 pm)

    35th and what street?!!! 35th goes for miles.

  • WSB October 29, 2009 (10:58 pm)

    She mentioned Belvidere. So the far northern end.

  • Desert Ghost October 29, 2009 (11:23 pm)

    Thieves suck. Get a job and a life and quit stealing from the folks that may one day employ you and possibly provide you with a roof over your head…GROW UP lil punks…enjoy it while you can cus life is short and your actions are but a blink of the eye…

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