Warning: Seattle City Light says phone scammers are at it again

Seattle City Light has had to warn about this kind of scam before, and now they’re issuing a new alert: Telephone scammers “appear to be targeting customers with Asian surnames,” claiming to be utility-bill collectors and demanding credit-card numbers. Read on for the full warning:

News release from City Light this morning:

2 Replies to "Warning: Seattle City Light says phone scammers are at it again"

  • Jim October 28, 2009 (11:34 am)

    On a related subject, did you ever get an answer to how we are to report after hours outages. There were a few people (including WSB) who attempted to report the WS power outage a couple of weeks ago and could not because there was nobody available to report the outage to.

  • WSB October 28, 2009 (12:01 pm)

    The number was right but they seemed to be having a glitch in their system – TR

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