Morgan Community Association: Clean water; Fauntleroy followup

October 22, 2009 9:43 am
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From Wednesday night’s Morgan Community Association meeting: Clean water, neighborhood planning, traffic safety, and a Fauntleroy Way road-work update – read on:

First, clean water: King County’s Martha Tuttle (left) came with a followup about the recent meetings regarding Combined Sewer Overflows. (WSB coverage here and here.) They’re trying to drum up more public comment before another round of meetings early next year with options for making sure these overflows happen less often. Longterm goal: One per year by 2013; last year, there were five. The two pump-station-area “basins” in south West Seattle – Barton (Fauntleroy Cove) and Murray (Lowman Beach) – each need one of four types of alternatives for keeping the system from pumping untreated water into Puget Sound during a storm overflow – all outlined here. Onsite treatment is the most expensive, according to Tuttle. Some attendees supported another alternative – getting more residents to disconnect their downspouts from the sewer system, keeping the water for use in their yards instead.

Next, neighborhoods: Cindi Barker and Kate Stineback shared the Morgan Junction results the city has published from July’s Neighborhood Plan update/status meeting. The responses were represented as graphs which showed that Morgan residents were pleased with upgrades to the business district and park spaces while they were displeased with traffic and safety issues. There was a reminder that the city’s followup meeting – including West Seattle neighborhoods – is coming up November 5th at Mercer Middle School on Beacon Hill, and it’s important to be represented there, since that’s the main way to comment on whether the “status check” is accurate, and on anything that’s missing.

Traffic safety: Also from Cindi Barker – she says she’s gotten the OK for a traffic sign in the Orchard Street Ravine area, and a kiosk at the top, warning drivers about walkers along the side of the road. The kiosk will also have room for flyers and other announcements.

Fauntleroy Way re-paving/rechannelization update: MoCA president Deb Barker says she’s checked with project manager Jessica Murphy at SDOT, and the project is largely complete. Still some sharrows to be painted, however, so you may see temporary markings here and there – they can’t apply the sharrow material to the road until it’s been dry for a few days, so there’s no ETA on when that will all be complete. A meeting attendee noted that the timing on the Fauntleroy/Edmunds light (closer to The Junction/Triangle) does not seem to have been recalibrated to its pre-construction state, and several people remarked on the absence of speed-limit signs that had been in place along Fauntleroy pre-construction – both concerns will be checked on.

Power outage followup: Morgan Junction, you may recall, was something of the epicenter of last week’s up-to-3-hour West Seattle power outage. Deb Barker also reported getting word from a resident who’d contacted Seattle City Light about recurring problems with the area infrastructure, and the ensuing e-mail exchange will result in an invite to SCL to attend a future MoCA meeting to talk about the situation.

The Morgan Community Association meets quarterly; you can watch for frequent updates on its website,

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