West Seattle CoolMom searches for gardenable spot for 350.org

That’s a simulation of what West Seattle CoolMom and other area environmental groups hope to muster enough people to create at Seattle Center in a month, as part of the 350.org Day of Action. And CoolMom’s Terri Glaberson says her group is looking for the perfect spot to do something smaller, closer to home, too:

In recognition and support of 350.org International Day of Action taking place on October 24th, West Seattle CoolMom is trying to locate a plot of land that could be home to 350 square feet of garden. The idea is to create a new garden space for a local business, school or church so that the community can benefit from an ongoing working garden. Instead of CoolMom trying to locate this land by searching ourselves, we thought of asking the community for help.

What we would like is to have the community raise their hand in offering this plot of land to CoolMom so that we may establish a garden, but with understanding that this land would be maintained after October 24th by the owners of the land.

If you can suggest a site for this garden, e-mail Terri at admin@coolmom.org. And she invites you to make plans to be part of the big “350” at Seattle Center, 2 pm October 24:

The event includes exhibitors, speakers, live feed of neighborhood action events, the cities new carbon calculator-created to be user friendly for families, and a large photo op of a “three”, “five” and “zero” near the fountain. We are going to need a lot of folks to come out to form these numbers, but more importantly we want people to get involved and learn about climate change and what each individual can do to make a difference in his or her community.

4 Replies to "West Seattle CoolMom searches for gardenable spot for 350.org"

  • Sandy Pederson September 26, 2009 (10:36 am)

    Love this idea! Maybe this will help…

    If you have land that you want to offer up for this garden, I have a “Land Link” map where you can plot your address, contact information, and a description of the land.

    The link to the map can be found on the Land Link page of the Urban Land Army website: http://www.urbanlandarmy.com/?page_id=11

    Urban Garden Share also has a website where you can post a photo and description of your land: http://www.urbangardenshare.org

  • ltfd September 26, 2009 (4:57 pm)

    I would like to offer up a nice piece of public property that would be improved by the installation of a vegetable garden. Though it will need a little bit of cleanup prior to planting, the Terminal 107 Park should fit the bill nicely. Interested parties will just need to remove a little bit of detritus.

  • What? September 26, 2009 (10:59 pm)

    This could be sad.
    I really hope the above blogger is talking about invasive plants and general litter and not the people.

  • Bikefor1 September 27, 2009 (6:56 pm)

    GARDENABLE. Really? Really? Oh my bleeding eyes and ears. TR, please tell me that is Coolmom’s copy and not yours.

    Has language really become that dumbed down? Here is a nice word that has been around for centuries:


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