
School starts for West Seattle students: Send us your pix!

We put out a call on Facebook this afternoon inviting anyone with kids heading off to school for the first time this week (or last week!) to share a photo if they’re so inclined … and the first one is courtesy of Kristin, featuring 4-year-old Elliot, who starts tomorrow at West Seattle Montessori (WSB sponsor, opening its new location in White Center), photographed with Cameron (9) and Elena (7), who started Holy Rosary last Tuesday. More back-to-school news later tonight; if you’ve got a photo to share tonight or tomorrow, e-mail it to editor@westseattleblog.com or share it with us via Facebook or the WSB group on Flickr (see the links atop the sidebar).

5 Replies to "School starts for West Seattle students: Send us your pix!"

  • Farmersfriend September 8, 2009 (8:20 pm)

    Wow! This is adorabe! Thanks for sharing.

  • Catherine September 9, 2009 (12:33 am)


  • carraig na splinkeen September 9, 2009 (7:10 am)

    And remember to drive safely out there—lots of drivers talking on cell phones in school zones, using alleys as de facto streets, drving too fast. This includes parents in a hurry to drop off loved ones!

  • Auntie Anne September 9, 2009 (8:06 am)

    Not just cute, but sweet too! Love those kids.

  • seven September 9, 2009 (7:25 pm)


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