One last day for Delridge “Mobile Market” – then help plan a party!

September 6, 2009 11:19 pm
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(WSB photo from August 17)
The second-to-last day of the Delridge Produce Cooperative‘s four-week “Mobile Market” pilot project ended early today because of the stormy weather – but you can check out the (free!) produce stand’s grand finale tomorrow (Monday), south lawn of Youngstown Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way, where we took the photo you see above; here’s a map), 3:30-7:30 pm. After that, DPC founder Galena White hopes you will help plan an event to celebrate the progress so far and talk about what happens next:

The ‘Mobile Market’ team would like to plan a party at which we will give out the results of the survey, share stories of our experiences at the booth and celebrate the connections we made, and talk about the next step in building our community’s food infrastructure. Everyone and anyone is invited to the party, including the volunteers, produce contributors, people who visited the booth, and anyone who wanted to visit but didn’t get the chance. We need help planning the party and we need volunteers to help make it happen.

We’d like for anyone who wants to help to join us in planning the party this Tuesday, September 8th at Pearls, from 6-8 pm. We’ll make plans for where the party should be held, what kind of refreshments we should have, and what the program will be like; and then we’ll all choose which tasks we want to accomplish. Planning the party should be almost as much fun as the party itself, so we hope that a lot of people come!

Pearls is at 4800 Delridge Way; here’s a map.

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