Rasmussen: “Will make sure we have (Delridge) skatepark built”


(future skatepark site at northeastern corner of Delridge Playfield/Community Center park)
A followup this afternoon to a story we brought you yesterday, with Pete Spalding reporting from the Parks and Green Spaces Levy Oversight Committee meeting that the funding situation for the planned Delridge Skatepark was changing. We checked in with City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen, who chairs the Parks Committee, and today he’s sent this update:

As the Chair of the City Council’s Parks and Seattle Center Committee, I am working to ensure that the City keeps its commitment to build the skateparks that are planned. When I saw yesterday’s article in the West Seattle Blog about the money for the Delridge Skatepark vanishing I immediately contacted the Superintendent’s Office to find out what is going on.

There has been confusion about the funding source for the project, but based upon assurances from the Parks Superintendent, I am confident that the solution the Parks Department and Levy Oversight Committee have settled on is a workable one. I will keep a close eye on this during the City Council’s yearly budget review and will make sure we have the skatepark built as planned.

I want to thank Pete Spalding for his work on the Parks Levy Oversight Committee and your readers and the Delridge neighborhood residents for their tireless support of this project. In other areas of the city we have had trouble finding sites for skateparks. Delridge has been very supportive and welcoming. Together we can make this happen!

I am committed to the project 110%. I agree with the suggestion of some of the writers that it would be good to contact the other eight City Councilmembers to ask them to support the Delridge Skatepark. It is important that the Council hear from the community now and during our budget review which will begin at the end of September.

Thank you,

Tom Rasmussen
Seattle City Councilmember

Here again is the contact information for City Councilmembers

2 Replies to "Rasmussen: "Will make sure we have (Delridge) skatepark built""

  • Skateboarder In Jct August 26, 2009 (3:01 pm)

    Let’s start breaking ground on this sucker!! I’m getting older and older and not sure if these knees can wait for the politicians to get it sorted.

    Or maybe I should take up tennis or pop a kid out for little leagues to use the many under-used park facilities that cost just as much to build??

  • AJ August 26, 2009 (8:33 pm)

    If you build it, they will come.


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