Just wanted to let you know — we have an avalanche of e-mails and calls regarding planes taking a different flight path heading west, and apparently lower than usual, over West Seattle tonight. The first phone call we made, to a regional FAA operations center, did not yield any information, and Boeing Field operations says nothing’s unusual there either. Still checking! (Tammy at Boeing Field did say the “flow” of flights switched between north and south – but that isn’t unusual, she said.) By most accounts, there were at least three planes that flew out this way, between about 7:30 and 8:15. ADDED 9:06 PM: Nothing definitive yet – this seems to be over (let us know if you see/hear otherwise) – if no answers emerge tonight, we will keep checking tomorrow. To summarize why this caught people off-guard, here’s an e-mail quote from Karen: “It didn’t last long, maybe four to six planes. We were sitting on our deck looking directly at the bellies of those planes. They looked legally high enough but made us uncomfortable.” ADDED 10:54 PM: In comments, WesCAddle offers a partial explanation (three comments, starting here).
West Seattle, Washington
14 Tuesday