West Seattle Weather Watch: “Hottest day ever” updates

Barring big news on the weather, we’ll keep this item for a while and add to it as needed – photos, vignettes, whatever comes up. First tidbit: WSB’er “D” says a truckload of fans just arrived at McLendon Hardware in White Center – but “almost sold out in minutes.” P.S. The WSB Forums‘ running thread on the heat and “where to stay cool” can be found here. 11:46 AM UPDATE: Youngstown Arts Center is having a “cooling-off activity” in the theater (where we covered that air-conditioned meeting last night), noon-4 pm. (Here’s the flyer.) 3:05 PM UPDATE: The official National Weather Service 3 pm readings are in. Boeing Field is at 102 degrees. Sea-Tac has hit 102 (though right now it shows 101). The previous all-time Seattle record was 100. 5 PM UPDATE: Added a photo shared by South Seattle Community College, showing what is now officially the coolest school in West Seattle, explaining: “Inventor and Campus Services staffer Murray Fye has setup a cooling station by the campus Clock Tower. It is a mist/fog type that uses very low flow misting heads. It’s being enjoyed by one and all!” Another note: Metro has issued an advisory to passengers, warning that it may be just too hot to ride buses. 6:09 PM UPDATE: Thanks to Diane for sharing a couple of updates. West Seattle (Admiral) library branch – NOT air-conditioned, nor is Southwest – closed at 5 pm. The Senior Center of West Seattle, which IS air-conditioned, is open till 8. Wading pool hours are extended – Delridge and Hiawatha to 7:30, EC Hughes to 8, Lincoln Park till 8:30. And there’s a mysterious stream of cool air coming from the Chase ATM at the north end of The Junction, according to this photo Keith Bacon sent of Corianton Hale:

ADDED EARLY THURSDAY: We’ll check this out later today – Tom A reports:

Rode my bicycle home from work downtown (more pleasant than riding Metro today) and noticed sidewalks buckled (pushed up more than 18 inches) in front of Salty’s on Alki and again along the Don Armeni parking lot. I don’t think we had an earthquake, so it must be due to the heat expanding the concrete.

33 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: "Hottest day ever" updates"

  • Lil July 29, 2009 (11:23 am)

    We are right in the Junction (close to West Seattle Bowl) and the thermometer on our front porch (West-facing, in the shade) just hit 100 degrees. No, I don’t think it’s broken.

  • WSB July 29, 2009 (11:26 am)

    No, sadly, it’s probably not. Funny, I spent a day and a half in Las Vegas last month for a family event and it was much cooler than this … in the 80s at most. Lived there for several years, twice, and fled largely because of the heat … hope this really is a historic anomaly! – TR

  • Catherine :o) July 29, 2009 (11:30 am)

    It is currently 90 in our house, and I am a SAHM. A/C would be lovely right about now!!

  • KatherineL July 29, 2009 (11:31 am)

    I moved my thermometer from the shade into the sun, as most of my front yard is in the sun. It hit 117Âş. It feels like a frying pan out there.

  • Andrew July 29, 2009 (11:37 am)

    Are there any good air conditioned cafe’s in the junction with free wi-fi? I work from home with no AC and only a couple fans I feel terrible in the heat. Help!

  • D.A. July 29, 2009 (11:44 am)

    Can anyone recommend an off-leash place to take the pooches that has water? I tried hosing down my dog, but she’s not a big fan of that. Just wondering if there’s anywhere in WS that has water access for dogs.

  • D.A. July 29, 2009 (11:45 am)

    Or even an on-leash place. Just someplace with water. However, the thought of driving to Magnuson is not pleasant!

  • WSB July 29, 2009 (11:46 am)

    No water at Westcrest???

  • Rhonda July 29, 2009 (12:17 pm)

    Westcrest dog park usually has water. Take Cloverdale off 9th for the best parking area.

  • Cheryl July 29, 2009 (12:33 pm)

    Wonder if McLendon’s has any kiddie swimming pools? That would be REALLY useful this week, in the shade of course.

  • LisaM July 29, 2009 (12:50 pm)

    You can probably get away with a quick doggie dunk accross from MeKwaMooks park – there is water access down the stairs from the upper path.

    I have been soaking bandanas and freezing them, then tying around my dog’s neck (mine too)

  • sam July 29, 2009 (1:00 pm)

    westcrest has water for dogs to drink, but not to swim in (as far as I know)- I think swimming water is what D.A. was referring to.

  • go for it July 29, 2009 (1:03 pm)

    sorry dogfoes but I would find a hidden beach on Puget Sound and let my dog go in – there are worse things (boats/fuel) than dogs in that water and this is special circumstances!

  • Living in West Seattle since 1985 July 29, 2009 (1:07 pm)

    I think you are allowed to take your dog in the water at Constellation Park on the “rock side” of Alki Point just South of the Light House. YOu need to have your dog on leash, if you have a retractable lead it is really fun.

  • Living in West Seattle since 1985 July 29, 2009 (1:09 pm)

    Constellation Park is on the Rocky side that looks to the Fautleroy ferry and has the apt on the pier. Not as far south as Me-Kwa-Mooks.

  • Pam July 29, 2009 (1:10 pm)

    FYI – McLendon’s is Getting a new shipment of fans @ 2PM

  • Jeremiah July 29, 2009 (1:34 pm)

    Just got back from buying a $100 air conditioner @ Bartells @ jeff Square. There were three left. That was 10 minutes ago. Best of luck.

  • D.A. July 29, 2009 (1:45 pm)

    Thanks for the dog swimming tips! Yes, I agree that it’s worth scolding or ticket to cool off my dog in these special circumstances!

  • rockergirl July 29, 2009 (2:17 pm)

    Cheryl – check with True Value Hardware for Kiddie Pools – I saw a few there last night when I drove by.

  • homelessinwestseattle July 29, 2009 (2:21 pm)

    Discovery Park is a great place to sleep in at night on hot days like we are having.:) It beats sweating in an apartment or condo

  • kittylove July 29, 2009 (3:00 pm)

    “All locations of The Seattle Public Library are open regular hours this week, and many of the facilities are air-conditioned. Patrons and tourists are welcome to attend Summer Reading Program events or Library programs, such as story times for children. They also may bring their laptops to take advantage of free Wi-Fi in all locations. “

  • WSB July 29, 2009 (3:01 pm)

    I have been bombarded with notes from SPL folks saying that the info in an earlier news release from mayor’s office is incorrect. Delridge and High Point apparently only guaranteed air conditioned library branches. Admiral does not have it – it’s a Carnegie facility. Southwest doesn’t have it. South Park DOES have it.

  • neighborly July 29, 2009 (3:12 pm)

    Just spent a long time lingering at Thriftway while grocery shopping, and it was lovely.

  • margaritaville July 29, 2009 (3:28 pm)

    Waititng for hot tub heater to be fixed – perfect for a cool outdoor tub!

  • kittylove July 29, 2009 (3:31 pm)

    yesterday, my sister took a very slow trip through the “trail” at ikea…made sure to test out all the chairs and couches…lol

  • bsmomma July 29, 2009 (3:48 pm)

    Just got an e-mail from a family member in Michigan, she wants her summer back. Any ideas? Because I am all for sending some degrees back there way! This is HOOOOOTTTTT!

  • Johnston July 29, 2009 (4:54 pm)

    101 in Westwood at 4:00 pm when I got home. (Recorded on my Heathkit weather station that I built way back when I was 15…thermometer has always been very accurate, so I believe it!)

  • miws July 29, 2009 (5:54 pm)

    ABC National News on KOMO TV just did a story on our heat wave.


    One segment of the story, they show a mom pulling several small, stuffed, polar bears out of the bottom freezer of the fridge. She asks, with a bit of exasperation in her voice, “What are all these polar bears doing in the freezer?”

    An innocent little voice pops up, “They need to be kept cold.” :D



  • Mookie July 29, 2009 (6:24 pm)

    The weather bug here on the blog now shows it’s 104 in West Seattle!! Up in the last hour or two from 102. I wonder where their sensor is; it’s “cooled down” to around 99 on my front porch on 35th…

  • WSB July 29, 2009 (6:28 pm)

    It’s the Boeing Field temperature, which in our experience is the closest to us, and I can confirm their official temp at KBFI at 6 pm was 104.


  • Mookie July 29, 2009 (6:32 pm)

    I wonder if all the pavement/runways radiate enough heat to boost the temp in that area?

  • D.A. July 30, 2009 (9:01 am)

    Constellation park was wonderful!! Me and my dog thank you a ka-jillion times over!!

  • lonelycrow July 30, 2009 (12:51 pm)

    Hey…what is your pin number?

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