West Seattle Crime Watch: Taggers deface Ercolini playground

One year ago this month, Ercolini Park celebrated its dedication, the culmination of a lot of hard work, volunteer hours, donations of money and material, and it’s now a popular place for so many residents west of The Junction who had no neighborhood park before. And now – the work of tagging vandals at the Ercolini Park playground is sparking neighborhood outrage. David Cagen sent us photos; we have blurred most of the tagging but felt it important to at least show the extent of what they did:

The white spray-paint pattern resembles that used in the obscene words/drawings with which homes within a mile were vandalized recently (WSB coverage here); we have a call out to police to ask if there’s any link or any progress in the case. Meantime, David, who was among the many who worked on the park, writes the three letters in the tags started with W (we’re not including the whole thing) and adds:

… has anyone seen this pattern? The neighbors are on the lookout and are going to shoot some pictures of the next repeat performance. My guess is, defacing little kids’ play areas isn’t worth getting into that much trouble. The park is nobody’s but the kids, so to see it look like crap is not fun. If anyone has leads, let us know.

We followed up by asking David if the neighborhood needs help cleaning this up; he believes they will:

My guess is the city doesn’t have budget nor the time to clean this up. The plastic parts are pretty easy, they can be scrubbed, and the kids sliding have already worn off a lot. The poles and the merry-go-round are tougher and I don’t know the proper way to remove the markings without mucking up the existing paints.

31 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Taggers deface Ercolini playground"

  • Mike July 1, 2009 (3:10 pm)

    Is it big brother web cam time? $250 for a baby monitor with internet broadcasting and infrared ability.

  • MargL July 1, 2009 (3:16 pm)

    I’m assuming this was already reported to the appropriate City departments.
    I saw it yesterday and was scraping at the slide with fingernail and Albertson’s club card. It was coming off fairly easy.
    Has anyone signed up for the free supplies that the Seattle Public Utilities gives out as part of the “Red Wagon/Paint it Out” program?

  • Robert July 1, 2009 (3:24 pm)

    I believe the tagging happened last Thursday or Friday night. I take my kids to Ercolini every couple of days and I think I noticed it Saturday (June 27th) morning. They uses some pretty weak paint – I think some of it has already rubbed off.

  • 007 July 1, 2009 (3:27 pm)

    Neighbors are on the lookout and are going to shoot some…. pictures (deep breath).

    What a great park… my kids love it there!

    How can we help? I can clean.


  • old timer July 1, 2009 (3:29 pm)

    So very sorry to hear of yet another callous action by the useless.
    Useless, and they know it, which is why they do it.
    A vain attempt to validate their miserable and useless lives.
    Expect more, there is scant hope for the truly useless.

  • Lisa July 1, 2009 (3:31 pm)

    I just came back from the Cooper Bldg. playground and it was tagged, as well. Summertime boredom???

  • athiggins July 1, 2009 (3:48 pm)

    Seems like there’s a lot more tagging around here. It’s annoying.

  • bridge to somewhere July 1, 2009 (3:59 pm)

    the city of seattle does an excellent job responding to and removing spray paint from park buildings, have no fear. just fill this out: http://www2.seattle.gov/util/forms/graffiti/graffitiForm.asp

    they usually respond to my requests within a few days at roxhill. i’ve been very impressed.

  • bummer July 1, 2009 (3:59 pm)

    Is Ercolini well lit at night? This might make it easier to watch and cops to catch people when called.

  • KBear July 1, 2009 (4:12 pm)

    It is not lit at all.

  • Gina July 1, 2009 (4:17 pm)

    WD40 works on some surfaces–try a test spray, let saturate, and scrape with ice scraper.

  • paul July 1, 2009 (4:23 pm)

    a portable powerwasher will also remove the tagging. We have had to do that several times with our spaces.

  • neighborly July 1, 2009 (4:32 pm)

    The port o potty was tipped over too. Lighting was in the design and budget, but it never materialized. This would really help.

  • mumof1 July 1, 2009 (5:12 pm)

    Donated toys have been disappearing too. My son and I have been going there pretty much since the opening and were marveling at the numbers and variety of toys available at the time. It is however dwindling. Pity!

  • John July 1, 2009 (5:16 pm)

    It’s frustrating as a parent who enjoys taking my son to this park. I don’t think 24 hr security and lighting is the answer. I think teaching kids from a young age to respect other people and property might be a good start.

  • BB July 1, 2009 (5:28 pm)

    I was just talking to my wife the other day about how proud I was of the use the park got and how great it was that it has stayed clean…. Really a bummer. Hopefully the regular users can band together a little to clean it up? It is a shame though that cleaning up vandalism is a part of todays regular maintenance schedules :(

  • BB July 1, 2009 (5:30 pm)

    B/T/W… thanks WSB for not showing the actual tags! Let the vandals remain anonymous!

  • WSB July 1, 2009 (5:33 pm)

    Thanks to Junior Member of the Team, aka “our graphics intern,” for doing the blurring work – which is pretty much beyond my limited repertoire. You can’t assume the vandals are kids, but do note there are many more kids doing good work than bad (J-M-o-T is 13 now) … TR

  • Vanessa July 1, 2009 (5:44 pm)

    Karma. You little creeps, get the dictionary, do your spell check or whatever you need to do, to understand the meaning of Karma…..You’ll get yours. And it usually comes back 10 Xs over…..

  • MargL July 1, 2009 (6:00 pm)

    A little girl helped me scrape at the slide yesterday and asked why someone would paint things like that. We had a discussion about how some kids just feel like it’s cool to break and paint things. She also asked me how I knew it was kids and I had to admit I didn’t know for sure it was. She shared with me that she saw some kids trying to break a tree branch and using ‘bad words’ at the ‘wooden park’ over by Target. Her mom was ‘very mad at them’.
    I think it’d be great to get kids involved in cleanup. Some of them seem to enjoy the sense of ownership and might be more likely to report folks messing things up.

  • Todd July 1, 2009 (6:02 pm)


  • JayDee July 1, 2009 (7:12 pm)

    A good pair of nitrile gloves, a can of lacquer thinner, a good breeze, and a sacrificial towel will cleanup up 90% of the spray paint. Most spray paint is not as durable as enamel, and lacquer thinner usually leaves the actual paint alone. (As they say, test a small area first, your results may vary).

    Pour thinner on cloth, wipe, let towel absorb, and repeat. The only thing it doesn’t work on is absorbent surfaces. Yes, I would alert Parks, but is important to get it off to discourage copycats. I wouldn’t let kids us lacquer thinner–it evaporates fast, and because of that there is an inhalation risk.

    I clean graffiti all the time in Alki, and that tag does not look familiar.

  • star55 July 1, 2009 (7:24 pm)

    Talk to the guys at True Value, I am sure they have something to clean it up with. Bummer

  • Coconuts July 1, 2009 (7:43 pm)

    I spotted a thoughtful father at the park with his daughter this afternoon. It looks like he completely cleaned up all of the graffiti.

  • BB July 1, 2009 (9:12 pm)

    walked the dog by the park a few mins ago. Looks like most of it is gone! I love my neighborhood! Can’t wait to take our daughter there to meet you all (after she arrives)

  • homesweethome July 1, 2009 (9:20 pm)

    very sad – if there is to be a work party please post

  • kg July 1, 2009 (10:00 pm)

    “I think teaching kids from a young age to respect other people and property might be a good start.”-John

    In the meantime John I would prefer lighting and security. =)

    A link for those interested. I for one would be more than happy to take a few shifts.

  • dcagen July 1, 2009 (10:42 pm)

    Confirmed, the paint is gone. It was really great to see such a quick turnaround. If anyone knows the guy who cleaned it up take him out for a beer at the Brewery. And great info on how to clean it up, could WSB archive some of that info?

  • WSB July 1, 2009 (10:55 pm)

    I’ve been working on a “How Do I …” page forever. In the short run I’ll add it to bottom of Crime Watch, where we have other resources like preventing auto theft, phone numbers for reporting graffiti and whatnot …

  • amused July 2, 2009 (6:54 am)

    What is the penalty if the culprits get caught? NOTHING! The criminal justice system has become totally ineffective and the suspects just laugh at the entire process.

  • Kelly July 2, 2009 (10:23 am)

    I can’t believe those buggers did this to Ercolini. I was sitting down there the whole time holding my “No Change to Park” sign.

Sorry, comment time is over.