What should Parks do with Manning/Admiral site? Your turn

As reported here in March, that city-owned parcel at Manning and Admiral just north of The Bridge, known for its big sequoia, is no longer proposed to be sold off as surplus property – City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen helped facilitate a deal for the Parks Department to take it over. As he mentioned when first announcing that, a public meeting will provide your big chance to have a say in what happens to it and what you’d like to see done with it – and that meeting is set for next Tuesday, 7 pm, Hiawatha Community Center. The city originally bought the 14,400-square-foot site as bridge right-of-way in 1961.

4 Replies to "What should Parks do with Manning/Admiral site? Your turn"

  • Sam May 3, 2009 (3:25 am)

    There’s a house on fire off of California Ave, just saw a large amount of response units show up

  • WSB May 3, 2009 (3:28 am)

    Yes, there’s a call to the 1700 block of 44th SW, we’re on the way … TR

  • Teresa Ward May 11, 2009 (6:57 pm)

    Any updates on what was discussed at the public meeting? We were unable to attend. Thanks!

  • WSB May 11, 2009 (7:05 pm)

    it was a very tiny crowd but I did go and am working on a followup. stand by!

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