King County Water Taxi, month 1: “These numbers bode well”

Remember that sunny scene when the renamed King County Water Taxi kicked off the 2009 season a month ago? Despite subsequent bouts of stormy weather, the West Seattle-to-downtown foot ferry carried 20,361 passengers during its first month, according to numbers made public today by King County Council/King County Ferry District Board Chair Dow Constantine, who said, “These numbers bode well for a successful move to year-round Water Taxi operation next year.” More numbers: 663 riders on the average weekday, 911 on the average Saturday, 1,406 on the average Sunday (including April 5, when 3,429 people took advantage of all-day freebies). This year’s season is scheduled to run through October, and Seacrest dock improvements — to facilitate year-round operation starting next year — are planned for the off-season after that.

1 Reply to "King County Water Taxi, month 1: "These numbers bode well""

  • Elliott May 7, 2009 (11:29 am)

    The water taxi is great, but I still don’t understand why it was renamed. It doesn’t cross King County. It crosses Elliott Bay. It should be the Elliott Bay Water Taxi. That describes exactly where it is; King County is over 2300 square miles. Should we rename the South Park Bridge the King County Bridge?

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