Update: Man reports robbery – then declines police help

ORIGINAL 3:37 PM REPORT: We’re checking on reports of police activity in The Junction – one tipster says scanner traffic indicates a man was held up at gunpoint:

Just heard on scanner, citizen reported being held up at gun point in parking lot at Jefferson Square – he was getting out of his car when a man came up, pointed gun at him and robbed him of his cellphone and (I think) wallet.

Dispatcher reported suspect description: 5’10-6″, blue jeans, baseball cap, armed with small handgun. … Listening now to cop try to locate the caller/victim who might be inside the Safeway.

Working to verify. Another e-mail says at least one chopper, possibly a news helicopter, is overhead. Steph subsequently e-mailed to say her husband …

… just had a freakin’ foot cop jump in his car and ask him for a ride to track down some creep! The cop had his gun and badge out and (he) whipped him around and then the creep came out of some bushes and the cop says, “that’s the guy!” and (he) hits the brakes and the cop jumps out and takes the creep down! The cop jumped in his car around the shell station at Fauntleroy SW & SW Alaska. The cop instructed him to about 41st where he jumped out and met another cop chasing the creep too. Go West Seattlites!

We’ve just arrived in the Jefferson Square vicinity (and 41st, east of there) and are NOT seeing any current police activity. Checking with SPD now by phone to see if this is something that’s wrapped up.

4:48 PM UPDATE: Just talked to Detective Jeff Kappel in the SPD Media Unit. He says a man reported getting held up at gunpoint at Jefferson Square – then changed his mind about cooperating with police, saying he didn’t want to file a report and didn’t want help, so police at that point had no choice but to chalk it down as a “provided assistance” call.

22 Replies to "Update: Man reports robbery - then declines police help"

  • Cami May 12, 2009 (3:47 pm)

    Saw a helicopter hovering while I was walking Beach Drive… now I know why!

  • Mike May 12, 2009 (3:58 pm)

    Time to start carrying a crowbar to Safeway. Criminals don’t run well with shattered knees right?

  • Tracy D. May 12, 2009 (3:58 pm)

    Go BUBBA! That is awesome…I thought that kind of thing only happened on cop shows. Love when West Seattlites help out other West Seattlites – especially when it’s a cop tracking down a bad guy!!!

  • bridge to somewhere May 12, 2009 (4:04 pm)

    holy smokes, what a crazy story steph! go bubba!

  • WTF May 12, 2009 (4:05 pm)

    Come rob me you pathetic mfers. I shop there all the time…I pity the guy who guns me for my iPhone. I am so SICK OF THIS CRAP I couldn’t scream it any louder. But, here I go again, what is the CITY of SEATTLE going to do about the rise in crime in our main streets of West Seattle. Someone INNOCENT this time is going to get killed. Is that what it takes?!?

  • annoyed May 12, 2009 (4:18 pm)

    Maybe it’s just that I keep reading all of these reports on a daily basis, but I can’t help but feel like West Seattle is becoming increasingly ghetto.

  • Lindsey May 12, 2009 (4:32 pm)

    That is a crazy story. However, just because we are informed doesn’t mean we are any less safe than the people who don’t read this… blog, I guess. I know TR doesn’t like it referred to as a blog so I’ll say “community news source.” If ignorance is bliss, then reading daily crime reports is probably misery. I sleep well at night knowing that I have tons of friends and neighbors I’ve never met watching out for me and the rest of West Seattle. Thanks, y’all.

  • Mike May 12, 2009 (4:33 pm)

    It’s summer time. All the ghetto people come out when it’s warm. Somebody was stabbed in Golden Gardens park just north of Ballard the other day. It’s not just West Seattle.

  • Mike May 12, 2009 (4:36 pm)

    well… spring/summer

  • Peter May 12, 2009 (4:44 pm)

    darn those ghetto people! they’re dangerous, you know. watch out…for ghetto people.

  • WSB May 12, 2009 (4:52 pm)

    This story turns out to have a twist. Man reported being held up at gunpoint – then changed his mind about cooperating with police. Added to main story. The original description he gave BTW was as Kato relayed it with a few additions — white male, medium build, gray sweatshirt. But at this point, since the man decided not to file a report and basically told police “never mind,” whether it happened or not is in question, unless someone says they witnessed it – TR

  • Irukandji May 12, 2009 (4:54 pm)

    WTF? Won’t file a report or cooperate with police? Thanks man with no cell phone (and maybe wallet).

  • What The May 12, 2009 (5:24 pm)

    What The!!! What was the guy that got held up trying to cover up from not wanting to talk to the police? Pathetic….

  • Mookie May 12, 2009 (5:38 pm)

    Weird…so they had to release the “creep” who “came out of some bushes”? That makes me kinda…nervous. Guess he didn’t have a gun on him when they found him. Either that, or there’s more to this story of why the first guy decided “never mind” about filing a report. Sounds lumpy. Still, awesome work SPD (and nice driving, Bubba!)

  • miws May 12, 2009 (5:54 pm)

    Well, if this did happen, it’s not funny of course. But, I can’t help but chuckle at Steph’s descriiption. I can just imagine the Cop saying “I’m commandeering this car!”.


    As I was reading it, I was reminded of an incident that happened to me, in the mid-’80’s, when I was living in my house. My detached garage was broken into, and my buddy’s portable air compressor, and a couple other things were stolen. I was on my way to work when I discovered it, so called the Police later in the day, when I got back home.


    The Cop (real nice guy, and easy going) came by, and took my report, and in some part of the conversation referred to perps in general as “dirtbags”. I thought to myself (much like what Tracy D alluded to) “Wow! Just like on Hill Street Blues!” :P



  • Christopher Boffoli May 12, 2009 (11:42 pm)

    I’m all for helping the SPD catch a criminal but I saw the French Connection so I know what’s up. Let’s just say Gene Hackman didn’t give the commandeered car back in the same condition as when he borrowed it. I’m just saying…

  • Leroy May 13, 2009 (8:50 am)

    Huh? What are you saying?

  • WTF May 13, 2009 (1:34 pm)

    Ah. I get it now. One ghetto-hoodwink robbed another. Brilliant. Just brilliant

  • sarelly May 13, 2009 (3:33 pm)

    I could see just being scared to report someone if they know who you are.

  • Abigale May 13, 2009 (5:36 pm)

    Having a friend who was held up as a bank teller at gunpoint, waited a year to testify, while the guy was out on bail, knew her address, and then only got probation as a sentence — maybe the guy chose not to pursue the complaint for similar reasons.

  • Mustafa May 14, 2009 (10:37 pm)

    It’s like that video game Grand Theft Auto, only set in West Seattle. C’mon let’s go steal some cars and rob people!

  • My2Cents May 15, 2009 (9:40 pm)

    Hey wtf –

    I’m right where you are. The City just pulled the one and only cop that South Park had. WTF. I guess it’s not politically correct to say, but I say, “let them kill each other”. Every last one of the bad-asses that blame the rest of the world for the havoc they create. RIP my ass!

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