Anybody try new West Seattle restaurant Fresh Bistro yet?

That’s what Jane e-mailed us to ask, since as noted in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup, this is Fresh Bistro‘s opening night (street level of The Junction’s new Mural Apartments [WSB sponsor]). We’ve taken a look inside, but we don’t do reviews – the food opinions on WSB come from you! If you’ve been, share your thoughts in comments – this post will be on the home page through the weekend. Thanks!

38 Replies to "Anybody try new West Seattle restaurant Fresh Bistro yet?"

  • hollyplace May 23, 2009 (3:00 am)

    We checked it out tonight. We started with two cocktails and they brought out a basket with two different types of warm rolls accompanied by an herb butter and a flavored goat cheese. Great way to start the meal(I always hate it when a restaurant gives you cold rolls or bread).We split the “Beets Me” beet trio. Beet gazpacho, roasted beets, and greens. The beet greens were AMAZING!If they had those as a side by themselves I wouldn’t complain. Also tried the oxtail bourguignon, which was quite good and the spicy spaghettini with a veal ricotta meatball, also done well if you are in the mood for spaghetti. Lots of fresh basil and not too spicy. We had a bottle of Tempranillo and molten chocolate cake. With tip, our bill was around $138. About what I would expect for a full meal. A nice addition to our West Seattle restaurant scene. I am looking forward to checking out their happy hour menu.

  • Trevor F. Smith May 23, 2009 (6:25 am)

    A message to Fresh Bistro: I’m a vegetarian and I dine out. With clients. A lot.

    Your food style looks good. Your location is convenient. But you won’t get my business when the only thing on your menu without meat is a beet salad.

  • JimmyG May 23, 2009 (7:00 am)

    I second Trevor.

  • hollyplace May 23, 2009 (8:10 am)

    Just an FYI, there was a Mushroom Fregola – toasted couscous risotto, grilled portabella steak with smoked goat cheese and truffle oil for $18 bucks on last nights menu, along with the lemon thyme scented asparagas soup that they have been sampling at the farmers market and a couple other salads. The person next to our table ordered the fregola and I started wishing that I had ordered that instead. The menu on the website is just a sample menu. I think they print the one I have on a color printer and adjust it as needed. I think they are friends with veggies too!

  • carnivore May 23, 2009 (8:14 am)

    Cheers to the Elliott Bay Pub! A great place to go, menu items that are good – tasty – and most importantly a menu you can tell what you’re ordering! They will always have my business!

  • Wilson May 23, 2009 (9:12 am)

    I didn’t have the same experience as hollyplace. I agree with carnivore…I like to know what the items in my food are (without having to have my server explain it – felt like an idiot to find out “frizzle chervil” means barely cooked…OK then :) And either your server, not your server and even the hostess constantly taking away and placing new dishes in front of me was annoying..Obviously this restaurant is wanting to attract more of the “uber-foodies & wine connoisseur” crowd, which are out there……as for me, way too “high brow” while gazing out at a Safeway…..

  • cjboffoli May 23, 2009 (9:55 am)

    hollyplace: $138?! What am I made of money?! Don’t you know how many weekends in the Poconos that can buy? :-)
    carnivore & wilson: If you only ever go for the familiar then how do you ever experience new foods and flavors? It is almost unbelievable how many different foods are available for us to eat. Why would you limit yourselves? Life is short. I’d say I know a fair bit about food and I’ve definitely eaten some exotic foods but it seems like everyday I learn about something new that I had never before heard of. And I can’t even properly pronounce most of that new stuff the first time I see it. I find the most important thing is to be open-minded, not to be intimidated and not to take those “high brow” places too seriously. Just have fun.

  • Outside The Asylum May 23, 2009 (10:04 am)

    People are certainly intimidated by what they don’t know aren’t they. Don’t be afraid to learn, you might just find that you like something new (gasp!).
    As for Elliot Bay Pub, why go to a place where the staff is rude, unknowledgeable about brewing, and the management ignores complaints? Their brew is sub par compared to other area micros and the restaurant is always full of noisy smelly children – the Olive Garden of Pacific Northwest brewpubs. Oh, but it’s a Local Business! ..please.

  • tim May 23, 2009 (10:31 am)

    Hey Veg Heads, It is simple economics. If vegetarian restaurants did such great business there would be more of them. The demand just isn’t there. Nobody is asking you to go to a restaurant that doesn’t cater to your needs. But honestly, you are about 4% of the dining public. By all means go to the places that offer your cuisine but it is no sin to run a restaurant the way the owners want to. If the demand were there, the supply would be there. I am sure this being seattle that we want to demand that places cater to all minorities but last check, vegetarians are not a protected class. I am sure it is coming though.

  • CD May 23, 2009 (10:48 am)

    Ha! You can eat your veal and gaze at safeway. Sounds fantastic.
    To each there own-but I’ll take elliot bay.

    What’s with the noisy smelly children comment?

  • Wilson May 23, 2009 (10:59 am)

    Asylum Wow you “certainly sound intimidated by what you don’t know” no kids I take it …smelly children? Where the heck is your nose anyway…if you can “smell” a child, uhhmmmm, I think you are way too close.
    I LOVE trying new restaurants and experiencing new foods …that’s why I went there last night. I also like to support local WS businesses :)I’m just not into the foo foo service thing and I thought for the amount of food you get, the prices are very high…If you have a big appetite (I do) you will need to order a starter …”shared plate” then you would need a soup/salad…THEN your entre…all food is A La Carte…gets a little “spendy”

  • JanS May 23, 2009 (11:20 am)

    I guess I’m just hoping that the sample menu comes down and the real menu, with prices, goes up on their website. I, like many people in the ‘hood, love to try new things, but the economy being what it is, need to plan for expensive outings. Not all of us have an unlimited bank account to try these new places.

    That said, I love beets, and anything that has to do with them…BJ definitely knows his way around food..

    Asylum…WTF…we’re too plebian for your tastes?

  • Junctionite May 23, 2009 (11:41 am)

    Haven’t been to Fresh Bistro yet, but based on the prices posted on the menu outside this is clearly not a neighborhood place, more of a special occasion place, and only then if it is very good! I find this very disappointing myself, “small plates” at high prices is a concept that doesn’t fit the current state of the economy. As far as I could see, there is only one entree below $20.

  • JanS May 23, 2009 (12:03 pm)

    by the way…how’s the parking? I was curious if there’s parking in the building for this place or if it’s street parking.

  • JJ May 23, 2009 (12:25 pm)


    Great post! Very helpful to the discussion! Call people names! Be overly aggressive! Everything is black & white!

    Keep it up, Tim!!

  • cjboffoli May 23, 2009 (12:26 pm)

    Junctionite: If the crowded restaurants in Seattle are any indication of the current state of the economy I’d say that things might be a bit rosier than the mainstream media would have you believe.
    I’d expect that the owners of Fresh Bistro (if they are good businesspeople) crunched the numbers and based their menu prices on the income demographics of West Seattle. I expect we’ll see if their target market won’t accept $20+ entrees.

  • JBL May 23, 2009 (12:49 pm)

    Yea Yea, there’s a whole lot of whining here…but how is the food? Who cares about staring out the window at Safeway. If the grocery store bothers you so much, request a table in the back. If the food is good then I’ll go there. I welcome ANY good local food joint, no matter the view. $20 entrees? It sounds par for the course. West Seattle is becoming more of a food destination and I welcome that with open arms.

  • RPH May 23, 2009 (2:15 pm)

    I, too, had concerns about the views of Jefferson Square out the windows, but was presently surprised by being inside the beautifully decorated space and how it made me feel like I wasn’t even in West Seattle, maybe Bellevue. The staff seemed a bit uptight, perhaps opening night jitters, but hopefully they will relax into their new digs, and develop a more comfortable rapport with their guests. Copper bar with leather coasters! Nice!

  • WSB May 23, 2009 (2:45 pm)

    The link above shows some of the interior pix. Some of the same “view of … ” concerns were expressed when Cafe Revo (WSB sponsor) opened in the Luna Park business district, across from one side of Nucor, not that long ago, but even their outdoor patio appears to be booming. If you look at the list of restaurants that have opened in WS in the past year or so, it’s a relatively DIVERSE list FWIW — there’s Zeeks Pizza, Feedback Lounge, OK Corral, Olympia Pizza, Spring Hill (which in fact, opened one year ago today!
    In that time, Beato and Blackbird closed.
    Sorry if I’m forgetting anything. In the works, Brickyard Barbecue in Admiral

  • Jeff May 23, 2009 (10:28 pm)

    We had a great experience tonight and the best meal we’ve had in several months. The food does come in smaller sized portions but nothing less than what you’d get at any of the established “nice” restaurants in Seattle. We had halibut and lamb and it’s some of the best we’ve had. Two desserts and two drinks with a bill under $100 before tip was totally reasonable by comparison. I will echo that I thought the staff was a little over eager to clear plates but the atmosphere and food were top notch.

  • Rob May 24, 2009 (9:22 am)

    Having finally ended my 2 years as a graphic designer for a number of local “bistros” such as Cellars in Belltown and the old Blackbird in WS, I can tell you this is a dire time to be opening up anything that sells “crusted” or portioned freshness. If I have to pay more than 9.00 for a meal and more than 5.00 for a pint, I’d rather make it at home and enjoy the Spring in one of our parks. I think to many people consider eating out as a form of exercise and recreation! Spending less and limiting your time eating will extend your life!
    It’s my opinion that most eating establishments load you up with pasta and lame cuts of meat over a beet salad !@&%?!

  • The Beetle May 24, 2009 (11:52 am)

    Vegetarians are missing out…..

  • Nati May 24, 2009 (11:56 am)

    It’s called “dining” Rob. Don’t go out if you don’t want to spend more than $9. Go to McDonald’s. Make dinner at home

  • sam May 24, 2009 (2:53 pm)

    Haven’t been to Fresh Bistro yet. But, I did sample the beet salad at the Edible garden festival – it was really good. also sampled gazpacho soup and a sorrel soup (which I didn’t see on the online menu) those were both really tasty as well.

  • KateMcA May 24, 2009 (10:51 pm)

    Exercise, no. Recreation, yes.

  • Meghan May 25, 2009 (9:07 am)

    Gee, when I saw there were 25 comments about this new restaurant, I thought I’d actually read about the food and peoples’ experiences. Instead, about 80% of the comments are (the usual) complaints about the prices, self-serving comments, negativity, name calling, generalizations, etc. It sounds like a very good restaurant (at least potentially) with very good food, service and ambiance, even if they don’t bend over backwards for vegetarians (who, as it’s been pointed out, are less than 5% of the dining population), and if the entrees are actually more than (gasp!) $10-15! The reality is that good food and wine isn’t cheap, and fortunately, there are plenty of people in W. Seattle who are still gainfully employed (knock wood) and can still afford to drop $100 or more on dinner. There are PLENTY of cheap, low quality places for those who can’t afford creative, innovative food. Go to those places. And don’t worry about the view of Safeway (which is an absurd concern).

  • LL May 25, 2009 (9:27 am)

    Thank you Meghan for your very astute comments! It is really silly to complain when some of the people complaining have never even tried this restaurant out!

  • Mona Delgado May 25, 2009 (7:26 pm)

    It was very good. We had the crabcakes (which we knew were exceptional and ordered for my husband’s birthday party last March). I ordered Oxtail borgoinne (Spelling?) and it was really delicous. My husband ordered beef wellington. We had the espresso bread pudding and hazelnut cream for dessert. Price was fine….not cheap. My husband said the flavors on the beef wellington mixed together nicely (puff pastry and goose liver pate and the tenderness of the meat blended very nicely). We would recommend the restaurant. They also had a nice warm fireplace as you walk in.

  • fluorescent carl May 25, 2009 (11:10 pm)

    I really enjoyed the apple crisp and the gator salad, when I walked in was thinking this place may make you feel like your in West Seattle but I was wrong, It was like Bellevue and I was so relieved… There were no stinky Kids always a bonus… I also really thought the Stripper pole was a nice touch. I really recommend this place to anyone who lives in Bellevue its worth the trip and you will feel at home;)

  • GeorgeH May 26, 2009 (12:41 pm)

    After looking at the menu I did not eat here due to the small choice of vegetarian items. BTW, tim and meghan, the percentage of the population in Seattle that is vegetarian is MUCH higher than 5% (and higher than 5% nationally, too.) Vegetarians and “flexitarians” are everywhere, and it makes monetary sense to offer these folks more than 1 entree and a couple of side dishes to choose from. They also make up a large portion of the foodie customer base that this restaurant appears to aspire to. So if they’re smart, they will add more vegetarian options.

  • Elise May 26, 2009 (8:50 pm)

    I can’t wait to try Fresh Bistro. The owner lives here in West Seattle, his new restaurant is here in West Seattle, he buys all his food from LOCAL farmers, his food is out of this world and he opened a nice restaurant in West Seattle so we don’t have to leave the “island” for a nice place to eat. Don’t bash it until you try it – don’t complain about prices, location or menu items until you experience them. Let’s support our local business owners!

  • CMT May 27, 2009 (2:27 pm)

    Can’t wait to try Fresh Bistro AND we will be bringing our almost 3 year old (who is not stinky) and is very well behaved. We stopped by during a bike ride and the owner/staff (not sure) told us that children were definitely welcome. As anywhere, obviously people should consider their own child’s temperament and respect others when deciding where to eat. The space is very attractive and they said they would be adding brunch soon.

  • LCG May 28, 2009 (10:49 am)

    We had a lovely meal at Fresh Bistro. The (vegetarian) couscous risotto with Portabello mushroom was superb as well as the beet salad. The lamb was perfectly cooked and the accompanying sausage was seasoned beautifully. Friends had the halibut and the beef wellington and everyone was happy. We were full at the end of the meal but wanted to try a dessert so shared the espresso bread pudding…oh my it was great. The prices are not “drop by everyday” levels but rather are at “nice dinner out” levels. The interior is gorgeous. The service was good but lacked confidence but I chalk that up to only being open a week. I’m really looking forward to their brunches…hope they start those soon. I’m so glad to see another “special” restaurant in West Seattle. We have loads of great casual spots to eat so it’s nice to have a new upscale place.

  • WTF May 31, 2009 (12:42 pm)

    Thanks Meghan!!!!! Leave it to a women to finally “smack down” the whinny BS. 1) give the place a chace to fail before you rate it an F. 2) If you’re a vegetarian eat at a veggan place, but as a “businessman” don’t hit another business on the snout because you just don’t eat their fare 3) there are tons of places in WS to eat from cheap to spendy, these guys, like Revo & others are giving us the one thing we are ALWAYS bitching about…the want for more freedom of choice.

  • mainland_seattle June 1, 2009 (10:17 am)

    Dalis’ food is wonderfully executed and absolutely delicious. The crusted prawns are feakin’ awesome. My only gripe is that some of the dishes were a tad on the salty side. The overall experience there is top-notch, well worth the ~$20 entree price. If you go out to eat in WS, veggie or carnie, you owe it to your palate to check them out at least once.

  • Phil June 3, 2009 (10:10 pm)

    Very impressed with Fresh Bistro. Staff was great, decor is excellent, but the food was the standout. We sat up at the bar and witnessed the passion of the crew on every dish. The Kahlbi Flank Steak was my favorite, while my wife raved about the Spicy Spaghetti. Great wines and the price point is not out of line. We will definitely return for more!

  • Nikki June 4, 2009 (12:09 pm)

    My girl friend and I could’nt wait to try out Fresh Bistro. First we were dissapointed that there were hardly any salads. It was 85 degrees who wants spagetti for lunch?? It took us a good 15 minutes to decide; we thought the food was a bit wierd……sorry! We decided to share the chicken sandwich and the ‘steak fritz” (whatever)and 45 minutes later a plate of fries with a steak plopped on top arrived….yuk! The waitress was great about it and I suggested that she perhaps next time ask “how do we want our steak cooked”. Anyway, I am not a vegitarian, but to me having the word “Fresh” in your name indicates alot of FRESH HEALTHY FOOD(VEGES!!) Needless to say, love the atmosphere and will try it again.

  • dawsonct June 12, 2009 (10:28 am)

    Not an unusual presentation of your steak ‘frites’ Nikki, and in Paris they won’t ask you if you want your steak anything but blood-rare, HOWEVER, we are not in Paris and the norm for an American restaurant is to ask for steak temp, so your server was wrong.

    As a cook, I understand that people want lighter fare during the warm months. Sometimes it is difficult to shift gears (menu) in the shoulder season. One weekend we may have temps in the eighties, two days later it’s in the sixties and raining.

    That weekend gazpacho suddenly isn’t selling with the same fervor.

    I do enjoy this challenge and wouldn’t want to cook in a place with a static and unchanging menu, but I understand the difficulty in quick menu changes. Hopefully, as they grow into their space, they will become more responsive to changes in the climate and be able to shift gears a bit more quickly.

    My biggest complaint is that ridiculous name: it sounds like a line of prefabricated frozen entrees; a product; a brand name. Generic.

Sorry, comment time is over.