Who’s got the most West Seattle school spirit — WSHS or CSHS?

That’s what channel 7 TV wants to know. So they’ve pitted West Seattle High School and Chief Sealth High School against each other in a “bracket” of their online High School Spirit contest. Voting starts at 5 pm; here’s the link.

3 Replies to "Who's got the most West Seattle school spirit -- WSHS or CSHS?"

  • J April 20, 2009 (4:51 pm)

    I realize this is meant in fun, and I know I sound curmudgeonly, but I think this is a really bad idea.

    Pep rallies and school spirit competitions emphasize mob thinking, and encourage “my group, right or wrong” attitudes. Encouraging (at some schools, actually requiring!) students to participate in “school spirit” assemblies teaches students the exact opposite of the kind of dialog, reasoning, and judgment skills we so badly need in our very polarized world.

  • cheriberri April 20, 2009 (6:42 pm)

    I graduated from Sealth class of 2003 we had some pretty awesome school spirit!! i remember dying my hair blue numerous times!!!

  • GenHillOne April 20, 2009 (8:39 pm)

    Love school spirit, but also neighborhood pride. Wish they hadn’t matched-up these two. And frankly, I don’t get the “contest” – anyone look at the bracket? Half the pairings are neighbors, the other half are from opposite ends of Puget Sound, like Auburn and Mt. Vernon. Of course I still voted, LOL, and will do it again when the winner takes on the next bracket…peninsula pride and all :)

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